(They see the sign of the Prancing Pony and enter)
Frodo: Excuse me?
Butterbur: Good evening, little masters! If you're seeking accommodations, we've got some nice, cozy, hobbit-sized rooms available. Mr. Uh….
Frodo: …Underhill, my name's Underhill.
Butterbur: Underhill. Yes.
Frodo: We're friends of Gandalf the Grey. Can you tell him we've arrived?
Butterbur: Gandalf? Gandalf? Ohh yes! I remember, elderly chap, big gray beard, pointy hat. (Frodo nods) Not seen him for 6 months.
Sam: What do we do now?
(the hobbits are sitting in the pub, each with their ale.)
Frodo: Sam. He'll be here. He'll come.
Man: (to Merry coming back from the bar) Get out of my way.
(Merry sits down, staring at his pint)
Pippin: What's that?
Merry: This my friend, is a pint.
Pippin: It comes in pints? (Merry murmurs in agreement) I'm getting one.
(Pippin gets up and heads for the bar)
Sam: You had a whole half already!
(Sam nudges Frodo in the side and nods towards the corner of the room)
Sam: That fellow's done nothin' but stare at you since we arrived.
Frodo: (stops Barliman as he walks by) Excuse me, that man in the corner, who is he?
Butterbur: He's one of them rangers. Dangerous folk they are.. wandering in the wild. What his right name is I've never heard but around here, he's known as Strider.
Frodo: Strider...
(Frodo starts playing with the Ring, slowly falling into a trance again)
The Ring: Baggins. Baggins. Baggins. Baggins! Baggins!
Pippin: Baggins!
(Frodo snaps out of his reverie)
Pippin: (sitting by the bar) Sure I know a Baggins. He's over there, Frodo Baggins. He's my second cousin once removed on his mother's side and my third cousin twice removed on his father's side, if you follow me.
(Frodo panics and runs towards Pippin)
Frodo: Pippin!
Pippin: Steady on!
(Frodo slips on the wet floor, the Ring flies trough the air, but when he grabs it, it accidentally slips onto his finger, and Frodo disappears. He is in a whirling world of fire and darkness, and suddenly the eye of Sauron appear. The Nazgûl are seen as they suddenly hear the call of the Ring.)
Voice of Sauron: You cannot hide! I see you! There is no life in the void…only death…
(Frodo tries to back away, taking off the Ring at the same time. He appears back in the Prancing Pony)
Frodo: Ah!
(Strider grabs him by the collar)
Strider: You draw far too much attention to yourself Mr. "Underhill"!
(Strider opens the door to the hobbit's bedroom and thrusts Frodo onto the floor. Then he walks around the room, putting out thecandle flames with his fingers)
Frodo: What do you want?
Strider: A little more caution from you. That is no trinket you carry.
Frodo: I carry nothing.
Strider: Indeed.
Strider: I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely, that is a rare gift.
(Strider removes his hood and Frodo stares at him, scared)
Frodo: Who are you?
Strider: Are you frightened?
Frodo: Yes.
Strider: Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you.