- finable a.应罚款的可罚款的,该罚款的...
- finagler n.骗子骗子...
- final accounts 决算...
- final act 最后议定书,最后议决书...
- final adjudication 终审判决...
- final agreement 最后协议,最后协定...
- final appeal 最后批准,最后通过...
- final articles 最后条款...
- final ballot 决选投票...
- final clause 最终条款,最后条款...
- final costs 诉讼结束时的全部...
- final decision 最后决定,最终判决...
- final decree 最后判决令,离婚最后判决令...
- final disposition 最后供述...
- final divident 末期红利...
- final election 决定性选举,决选...
- final evidence 决定性证据,结论性证据...
- final hearing 终审,最后审讯...
- final injunction 最后指令,最后禁令...
- final instance 终审...
- final judgement 最后判决,终审判决,终局判决...
- final jurisdiction 终审管辖...
- final jurisprudence 目的法学...
- final order 诉讼终止时发出的命令,最后命令...
- final passage 最后通过...
- final process 最后诉讼阶段...
- final provisions 最后条款...
- final reading 最后一读...
- final ruling 最终裁决...
- final selection board 决选委员会...
- final sentence 终审判决...
- final settlement 最后的授与财产清算...
- final supervision 最后监督...
- final verdict 最后裁决...
- finality n.终结,定局,终结性言行终结,定局,决...
- finality of verdict 已成定局的裁决,终局的裁判...
- finance court 财政法庭...
- financial account 财务帐目...
- financial accountability system 经济核算制...
- financial agent 财务代理人...
- financial aid 经济援助,财务资助...
- financial and trade system 财贸体制,财务贸易制度...
- financial authonomy 财政自主,财务独立...
- financial bonus 财务红利...
- financial circular 财务通告...
- financial delict 财政上的不法行为...
- financial discipline 财政纪律...
- financial laws and regulations 财政法规...
- financial legislation 财政立法...
- financial penalty 罚款...
- financial reimbursement 经济赔偿...
- financial relief 财政救济...
- financial report 财政报告...
- financial responsibility 经济责任...
- financial revenue 财政收入...
- financial security 经济担保,财政担保...
- financial state 财政状况...
- financial statement 财政报告,财务报表,决算表...
- financial supervision 财政监督...
- find a bill 控告,提起诉讼...
- find a true bill 认为诉讼应予受理...
- find a verdict 作出裁判...
- find an indictment 起诉...
- find for the plaintiff 作出有利于原告的判决...
- find guilty 查明有罪,裁决有罪...
- find in damages 承认赔偿损失,判定赔偿损失...
- find sb. guilty 裁决某人有罪...
- finder of goods 财物拾得人...
- finding n.发现,发现物,决定,裁决调查结果,对...
- finding of a court 法院裁决...
- finding of a jury 陪审团的裁决...
- finding of fact 对事实的认定,对争论事实的裁决...
- finding of law 适用法律的裁决...
- fine at the discretion of the judge 法官酌处的罚金...
- finger prints 指纹,指印...
- finger right count 指纹脊数...
- finger wear 指纹磨损...
- fingernail impression 指甲痕...
- fingernail injury 指甲伤,掐伤...
- fingerprint card 指纹卡片...
- fingerprint detetive 指纹侦察...
- fingerprint evidence 证据指纹,指纹证据...
- fingerprint file 指纹档案...
- fingerprint identification 指纹鉴定...
- fingerprint records 指纹档案...
- finium regundorum 境界线,边境所有权...
- finium regundorum actio 土地边界的诉讼,调解土地边界纠纷...
- fink n.破坏罢工的人,告发人,密告人内奸...
- fint money 不兑换纸币...
- fire brigade 消防队消防队...