financial and trade system financial and trade system怎么读,什么意思。财贸体制,财务贸易制度... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 380 【法】 财贸体制, 财务贸易制度英汉词典
year-to-year comparison of financial statement 财务报表的逐年比较 position 财务(财政)状况,金融形势 a.财政的,金融的财政的,金融...abstract of financial statements 财务报表摘要...accounting and financial audit 会计和财务审计 deficit 财政赤字,预算赤字,财务亏空 difficulties 财务(财政)困难...economic and financial section 财经部门 corporation 信贷公司,金融公司 interests 金融界,财界...trend percentage analysis of financial statements 财务报表的趋势百分率分析 support 财务(财政)支援...united nations monetary and financial conference 联合国货币金融会议 institution 金融机构,财务(财政)机构 application software 财务应用软件...bear financial responsibility 承担经济责任 intermediaries 金融媒介 forecast 财务(财政)预测 discipline 财政纪律 financial straits 处于经济困难中...all-purpose financial statements 通用财务报表...