witness for the defence witness for the defence怎么读,什么意思。为被告作证,为被告作辩白,被告证人... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 770 【法】 为被告作证, 为被告作辩白, 被告证人在线英汉词典
witness n.证人,目击者,证据,证词v...zealous witness 偏袒一方的证人,有偏见的证人...ear-witness 耳闻证人...eye-witness identification 见证人的鉴定...accomplice as witness 作为证人的共犯...adverse witness 相反的证人,敌对证人...accused as witness 作为证人的被告...witness-fee 证人酬金...uncertain witness 动摇不定的证人...witness in wedding 证婚人...witness-box n.证人席...admissible witness 可接纳的证人...qualify as a witness 有资格做证人,具有证人资格...tampering wth witness 收买证人...impeach the testimony of a witness 对证人证词的可靠性提出异议...compellability of witness 对证人的强迫...native witness 本地证人...voting witness 投票见证人...with a witness 千真万确,确确实实...witness for the prosecution 原告证人,公诉人方面的证人...witness stand 证人席证人席...