


n. 证人, 目击者, 证据, 证词
vt. 目击, 作证, 证明, 表明
vi. 作证人, 作为证据
【经】 中人, 证人


witness n 1 [C] (a) (also `eye-witness) person who sees an event take place (and is therefore able to describe it to others) 目击者
witnesses (at the scene) of the accident 事故(现场)的目击者
I was a witness to their quarrel. 我是他们吵架时的目击者. (b) person who gives evidence in a lawcourt after swearing to tell the truth (在法庭上经宣誓的)证人
a defence/prosecution witness 被告的[原告的]证人
a witness for the defence/prosecution 被告的[原告的]证人
The witness was cross-examined by the defending counsel. 证人受到辩护律师的诘问. (c) person who is present at an event, esp the signing of a document, in order to testify to the fact that it took place 见证人(尤指见证签署文件的)
Will you act as witness to the agreement between us? 您作我们协议签署时的见证人行吗? 2 [U, C usu sing 作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者通常作单数] (fml 文) what is said about an event, etc, esp in a lawcourt; (thing that serves as) testimony or evidence 证词(尤指法庭中的); 证明; 证据
give witness on behalf of an accused person 为被告作证
His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty. 他的破烂衣物可以证明他很贫穷. 3 (idm 习语) bear witness => bear2. witness, v 1 [Tn] be present at (sth) and see it 当场见到(某事物); 目击
witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel 目击一事故、 谋杀事件、 一场争吵
We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century. 我们亲眼见到本世纪最重要的科学进展.
(fml 文) Weather forecasters are not always right
witness (ie look at the example of) their recent mistakes. 天气预报并非一贯正确--就看看他们最近的预报错误吧.2 [Tn] be a witness to the signing of (a document), esp by also signing the document oneself 为别人签署(文件)时作证(尤指自己也同时签字者)
witness the signing of a contract 在一份合同签署时作证
witness a signature, treaty, will 为一签字、 条约、 遗嘱签字作证.3 [Ipr] ~ to sth (law or fml 律或文) give evidence about sth in a lawcourt, etc (在法庭等上)作证
witness (ie testify) to the truth of a statement 证明某言语属实.





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