put forth
put forth怎么读,什么意思。放出,发表,颁布,提出,发挥,起航...
放出, 发表, 颁布, 提出, 发挥, 起航
- put vt.放,摆,安置,移动,发射...
- not put it past sb 相信某人可能会(做某事)...
- put-on n.做作的,假装的...
- put on weight 体重增加...
- put straight 纠正...
- put the shoe on the right foot 责备该受责备的人,表扬该受表扬...
- put it on 装腔作势,夸大,夸张,要高价...
- put in one's two cents (未经邀请)发言...
- put in 放进,提出,提交,选举,插入,...
- put sb to shame 羞辱某人,(喻)使某人黯然失色...
- I put it to you that... 我希望你会同意......
- put stress on 把重点放在...上,在...上...
- put on the gloves 从事拳击...
- a put-up job 骗局,圈套...
- put sth back 把...放回原处,向后移,把钟...
- put sb away 把...送进监狱,把...送进...
- put up or shut up 要么行动要么闭嘴...
- put up for sale 拿出销售...
- put into the shade 使逊色,使相形见绌...
- put up a good show 表现得好...
- put on the ritz 摆阔气,夸耀豪华...