A AND NOT B gate 禁止门...not ad.不,非,未非相关词组...not any more 不再,不比...多...A is not to be confused with B. 不可将甲误认作乙....have-not n.穷人,无恒产者,贫穷国家无...if I am not mistaken... 如果我没弄错的话......a game not worth the candle 不值得做的事...if I mistake not... 如果我没弄错的话......not have a dog's chance 一点机会也没有...not nearly 远非...not a chance 没有丝毫机会...not let the grass grow under one's feet 不失时机...not for sale 不出售的,非卖品非卖品...not yet out of one's teens 还没有到二十岁...Barking dogs do not bite 吠犬不咬人...last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)...it is not clear whether 是否...还不清楚/明确...if it had not been for 要不是有......have not a dry thread on one 浑身湿透...and not gate 及反闸...AND-OR-NOT gate 与或非门...