


n. 过去, 昔时, 往事, 早年经历, 过去时
a. 过去的, 结束的, 卸任的, 过去时的
prep. 越过, 晚于, 超越, 超出...的可能性(能力、范围等)
【化】 过去
for the past few days
for some time past
in the past
not put it past sb


past adj 1 gone by in time 过去的; 以前的
in past years, centuries, ages 在过去的年月、 世纪、 年代里
The time for discussion is past. 讨论的时间已经过去. * in times past 在过去. 2 gone by recently; just finished or ended 刚过去的; 刚完成的; 刚结束的
The past month has been a difficult one for him. 上个月他很困难.
I´ve seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她. 3 belonging to an earlier time 先前的; 前期的; 以往的
past happiness 昔日的快乐
past and present students of the college 该学院的校友和在校学生
past achievements, failures, generations, presidents 以前的成就、 失败、 世代、 总统. 4 (grammar) (of a verb form) indicating a state or an action in the past (指动词形式)过去式的
The past tense of `take´ is `took´. take的过去式是took.
a past participle, eg passed, taken, gone 过去分词(如 passed, taken, gone). past, n 1 the past (a) [sing] time that has gone by 往时; 昔时; 过去
I´ve been there many times in the past.我从前去过那儿很多次. (b) [sing] things that happenedin an earlier time; past events 往事
memories of the past 对往事的记忆
look back on, remember, regret the past 回顾、 缅怀、 追悔往事
We cannot change the past. 往事无可改变. 2 [C] person´s past life or career, esp one that is discreditable 过去的生活或职业经历(尤指不名誉的)
We know nothing of his past. 我们对他的经历一无所知.
She´s a woman with a `past´. 她早年生活放荡. 3 [sing] (also past tense) (form of a verb) used to describe actions in the past 过去式的(动词形式)
The past of the verb `take´ is `took´. take的过去式是took. 4 (idm 习语) a thing of the past => thing. live in the past => live2. past prep 1 (a) (of time) later than (sth); after (指时间)晚於, 迟於, 在...之後: half past two 两点半
ten (minutes) past six 六点十分
There´s a bus at twenty minutes past the hour, ie at 1.20,2.20, 3.20, etc. 每小时的第二十分钟有一班公共汽车.
It was past midnight when we got home. 我们到家时已过半夜. (b) older than (the specified age) 超过(某年龄)
an old man past seventy 七十多岁的老人
She´s past her thirties, ie at least 40. 她至少四十岁了. 2 on the far side of (sth); from one side to the other of (sth/sb) 在(某物)的远端, 另一边; 经过(某处[某人])
You can see the house past the church. 你可以看到教堂那边的那所房子.
She walked past the shop. 她走过那家商店.
He hurried past me without stopping. 他匆忙从我身边走过, 连停都没停. 3 (a) beyond the limits of (sth/doing sth) 超过(某事物[做某事物])的限度
The man is past working, ie too old, weak, etc to work. 那男子已不能工作了(因年老、 体弱等).
I´m past caring (ie I no longer care) what he does. 他做什麽我再也不管了.
It´s quite past my comprehension, ie I can´t understand it. 这件事已远超出我的理解力了. (b) beyond the age of (sth/doing sth) 超过(某事物[做某事物])的年纪
She´s past playing with dolls. 她已不是玩玩偶的年纪了.
She´s long past retirement age. 她早已过了退休的年龄. 4 (idm 习语) `past it (infml 口) too old to do what one was once capable of; too old to be used for its normal function 年龄过大而不能再做以前做的事; 过旧而不适用
At 93 he´s finally realized he´s getting past it. 他到了93岁终於意识到自己已不中用.
That overcoat is looking decidedly past it. 那件大衣看来是绝对旧得穿不出去了. past, adv part from one side to the other of sth 经过
walk, march, go, rush, etc past 步行、 行军、 行走、 奔跑等经过.





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