- status raptus 暴发作状态...
- status spongiosus 海绵状脑(大脑皮质内有空泡状结构)...
- status thymicolymphaticus 胸腺淋巴体质...
- status thymicus 胸腺体质...
- status typhosus 伤寒样状态...
- status verrucosus 疣状脑...
- status vertiginosus 眩晕持续状态...
- statuvoiism 自我催眠状态...
- statuvolence 自我催眠状态...
- statuvolent 自我催眠的...
- statuvolic 自我催眠的...
- Staub-Traugott effect 施-特二氏效应...
- Staub-Traugott phenomenon 施-特二氏现象...
- staunch vt.止住,止血a.坚固的,坚强的,忠实...
- staurion 腭十字点(腭正中缝与腭横缝的交叉点)...
- stauroplegia 交叉性偏瘫...
- stauungs hyperemia 紧窄性充血法...
- stave of thumb 第一掌骨纵折...
- stavesacre 虱草子...
- staxis 滴流,渗血...
- stay n.停留,逗留,制止,延缓,停止,支柱,...
- stay knot 合结...
- stay of white line 白线支座...
- STD. 皮肤试验剂量...
- steaculia gum 梧桐胶...
- steadiness apparatus 共济失调描记器...
- steady state 稳态定态;稳态平稳状态,动力平衡(经济)...
- steam n.蒸汽,精力a.蒸汽的vi.蒸发,行驶...
- steam aerosol generator 蒸汽烟雾发生器...
- steam bath 蒸汽浴...
- steam bath-room 蒸汽浴室...
- steam cautery 蒸汽烙术...
- steam disinfection 蒸气消毒...
- steam distillation 蒸汽蒸馏水蒸汽蒸溜...
- steam gage 汽压计,蒸汽压力表...
- steam generator 蒸汽发生器;蒸汽锅炉蒸汽发生器...
- steam inhalation 蒸汽吸入...
- steam kettle 蒸气镬,蒸气锅...
- steam pack 蒸汽裹法...
- steam sterilization 蒸汽灭菌法...
- steam sterilizer 蒸汽灭菌器...
- steam tent 蒸汽帷...
- steam under pressure 加压蒸汽...
- steam-fitters asthma 汽管装配工气喘,石棉沉着病...
- steam-kettle 蒸汽壶...
- steapsin n.胰脂酶胰脂酶胰脂酶...
- steapsinogen 胰脂酶原...
- stearaldehyde 硬脂醛;十八醛;十八烷醛硬脂醛...
- stearate n.硬脂酸盐硬脂酸盐...
- stearentin 乳儿肠脂质...
- stearic acid 硬脂酸;十八酸;十八烷酸硬脂酸...
- stearidonic acid 十八碳四烯酸...
- steariform 脂肪样的...
- stearin n.硬脂精,硬脂硬脂酸甘油酯;硬脂精硬脂...
- Stearn's alcoholic amentia 斯特恩氏醇毒性精神错乱...
- stearo- 脂,脂肪...
- stearoconotum 脑硬脂...
- stearodermia 皮脂腺病...
- stearodine 斯特罗丁,碘硬脂酸钙(商品名)...
- stearodiolein 硬脂酸二油酸甘油酯一硬脂二油酸脂,甘油硬...
- stearodlpalmitin 一硬脂二棕榈脂,甘油硬脂酸二棕榈酸酯...
- stearol 油脂剂...
- stearolic acid 硬脂炔酸;9-十八炔酸;9-十八碳炔酸十...
- stearopten 硬脂萜,轻油脑...
- stearrhea 脂肪痢;皮脂溢...
- stearrhea flavescens 黄色皮脂溢...
- stearrhea nigricans 黑色皮脂溢...
- stearrhea simplex 油性皮脂溢...
- stearyl 硬脂酰;十八烷酰硬脂酰基,十八酰基...
- steatadenitis 皮脂腺炎...
- steatadenoma 皮脂腺瘤...
- steatina 药布剂...
- steatite n.皂石,滑石滑石...
- steatitis 脂肪织炎...
- steato- 脂,脂肪...
- steatoblast 成脂细胞...
- steatocele 阴囊脂肿...
- steatocryptosis 皮脂腺机能障碍...
- steatocystoma multiplex 皮脂囊肿病...
- steatogenous 产生脂肪的...
- steatolysis n.脂肪分解脂肪分解,脂肪水解...
- steatolytic 脂肪分解的,脂肪水解的...
- steatolytic enzymes 脂解酶,脂肪分解酶...
- steatolytic ferment 脂解酶...
- steatoma 脂瘤;皮脂囊肿,粉瘤...
- steatomatosis 皮脂囊肿病...
- steatomery 股臀部脂肪沉积,股臀过肥...
- steatomosis 皮脂囊肿病...
- steatonecrosis 脂肪坏死...
- steatopathy 皮脂腺病...