- rotary prism 回旋性棱镜...
- rotary pump 回转泵;旋转式泵;转子泵旋转泵...
- rotary type tablet machine 旋转式压片机...
- rotary vertigo 旋转性眩晕...
- rotate a.辐状的vt.使旋转,使转动,使轮流v...
- rotate plane 轮形平面(生物)...
- rotated teeth 旋转牙...
- rotating 旋转的,转动的...
- rotating lever 旋杠杆...
- rotating-anode tubes 旋转阳极管...
- rotation n.旋转,循环,轮流旋转自转;转动;旋转...
- rotation line 旋转线...
- rotation recurrence 旋转疗法...
- rotation stage of labor 娩出回旋期...
- rotation test 旋转试验...
- rotation vertebrae 旋转椎,第一、二颈椎...
- rotatoire tic 旋转性抽搐,痉挛性斜颈...
- rotator n.旋转的人,旋转装置,回旋肌回旋肌...
- rotatores spinae 棘突回旋肌,脊柱回旋肌...
- rotatory a.旋转的,引起旋转的,轮流的旋转的,转...
- rotatory crossgraphy 旋转断面造影术...
- rotatory diarthrosis 旋动关节...
- rotatory movement 旋转运动...
- rotatory nystagmus 旋转性眼球震颤...
- rotatory polarization 旋光偏振旋偏振...
- rotatory Power 旋光力...
- rotatory spasm 旋头痉挛,转头痉挛...
- rotatory tic 旋转性抽搐,旋头痉挛...
- rotatory vertigo 旋转性眩晕...
- Rotch's sign 罗奇氏征(检心包积液)...
- roteln 风疹...
- rotenone 鱼藤酮鱼藤酮...
- rotexed 转屈的...
- rotexion 转屈...
- Roth's disease 罗特氏病(感觉异常性股痛)...
- Roth's method 罗特氏法(一种小白鼠静脉注射的方法)...
- Roth's sign 罗特氏征(三尖瓣狭窄及右心房扩大或心包积...
- Roth's spots 罗特氏斑(视网膜炎时的白斑)...
- Roth's syndrome 罗特氏综合征,感觉异常性股痛...
- Roth's vas aberrans 罗特氏迷管...
- Roth-Bernhardt disease 罗-伯二氏病(综合征)(感觉异常性股痛)...
- Rothberg-Evans sugar tube 罗-伊二氏检糖管...
- Rothberger's neutral red agar 罗特伯格氏中性红琼脂...
- Rothberger's neutral-red agar 罗特伯格氏中性红琼脂...
- Rothera's test 罗瑟雷氏试验(检丙酮)...
- Rothmund's syndrome 罗思蒙德氏综合征...
- Rothschild's sign 罗思柴耳德氏征(肺结核及甲状腺机能不全的...
- Rotifera 轮虫类...
- rotlauf 猪丹毒...
- rotten stone 硅藻岩...
- Rotter's test 罗特尔氏试验(检体内维生素C)...
- rottlera 粗糠柴,卡马拉...
- rottlerin 粗糠柴毒素;楸毒素粗糠柴毒,卡马拉素...
- rotula 髌,盘状骨突,糖丸...
- rotulad 向髌侧...
- rotular 髌的...
- rotz [马]鼻疽...
- rouge n.口红,胭脂vt.擦口红vi.擦口红铁...
- Rouge's operation 娄吉氏手术(鼻腔手术)...
- Rouget cells 鲁惹氏细胞(蛙毛细管壁的收缩细胞)...
- rouget du porc 猪丹毒...
- Rouget's bulb 鲁惹氏球(卵巢表面的静脉丛)...
- Rouget's cells 鲁惹氏细胞(蛙毛细管壁的收缩细胞)...
- Rouget's muscle 鲁惹氏肌(睫状肌环行部)...
- rough n.粗糙的东西,毛坯,未加工品,梗概,草...
- rough bacteria 粗糙菌...
- rough colony 粗糙型菌落...
- rough niter 氯化镁氯化镁...
- roughage n.粗饲料,粗粮粗糙食物...
- roughing filter 粗滤池...
- Rougnon-Heberden disease 鲁-希二氏病,心绞痛...
- rouleau n.卷轴,卷封的硬币红细胞钱串...
- rouleaux-formation 钱串形成...
- roulreaux formation 钱串形成...
- roun ulcer 圆形溃疡,胃溃疡...
- round n.圆,圆形物,巡回,循环,一轮,一回合...
- round bacteria 圆杆菌...
- round bodied needle 圆体针...
- round bordered pit 圆形缘纹孔...
- round cell sarcoma 圆细胞肉瘤...
- round cells 圆形细胞...
- round eminence 内侧隆起...
- round heart 圆形心...
- round liaments 圆韧带...
- round lieaments of femur 股骨头韧带...
- round ligaments of liver 肝圆韧带,脐静脉索...
- round ligaments of uterus 子宫圆韧带,子宫腹股沟索...
- round needle 圆针...
- round nose handpiece 圆鼻机头...
- round pelvis 圆骨盆...