- wettable powder 可湿性粉剂...
- wetted area 湿润面积...
- wetted part 润湿部件...
- wetted perimeter 润湿周边...
- wetted surface 湿面;潮湿表面...
- wetted surface column 湿面分馏塔...
- wetted wall column 湿壁塔...
- wetted wall tower 湿壁塔...
- wetted-wall column 湿壁塔...
- wetting agent 润湿剂湿润剂;润湿剂湿润剂...
- wetting angle 润湿角...
- wetting power 湿润力...
- Wetzel's grid 韦策耳氏网格(可由小框格直读儿童生长数值...
- Wetzel's test 韦策耳氏试验(检血内一氧化碳)...
- Wever-Bray phenomenon 威-布二氏现象(耳蜗的微音器现象)...
- Weyl's culture-medium 魏耳氏培养基(靛磺酸[盐]培养基)...
- Weyl's sulfindigotate bouillon 魏耳氏靛磺酸盐肉汤...
- Weyl's sulfindigotate gelatin 魏耳氏靛蓝磺酸明胶...
- Weyl's test 魏耳氏试验(检尿硝酸、肌酸酐)...
- wgaer of law 宣誓负责断讼法...
- whale calf 幼鲸...
- whale finger 海豹状指...
- whale oil 鲸油;鲸脂油...
- whalebone bougie 鲸骨探条...
- wharf crane 码头起重轮...
- wharf demurrage 码头迟误费...
- wharf due 码头税...
- wharf police officer 码头警官...
- wharfage charges 码头费...
- Wharton's duct 华顿氏管(下颌腺管)...
- Wharton's ducts 下颌[下]腺管...
- Wharton's jelly 华顿氏胶(胶带胶样组织)...
- what about...? ...怎么样?...
- what do you mean by...? 你说(做)...是什么意思?你怎么竟然....
- what do you think of...? 你认为...怎么样?...
- what e'er betide 无论发生什么事情...
- what for 为何目的,为什么,(非正式)惩罚,责备...
- what has happened to...? ...怎么啦?...
- what have you 诸如此类,等等...
- what if...? 如果...将会怎样?,倘使...将会怎样...
- what impressed me most is... 给我印象最深刻的是......
- what is called 所谓...
- What is done by night appears by day 若要人不知除非己莫为...
- what is more 而且...
- what is said above 以上所指出的...
- What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander 适用于甲者也适用于乙...
- what matter if 即使...又何妨...
- what of ...的情况怎样,...有什么重要性...
- what price...? (英)(非正式)胜算如何?,有可能......
- what the...? 究竟...
- what though 尽管...有什么关系...
- what troubles me is... 使我不安的是......
- what with 由于,因为...
- What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts 失之东隅收之桑榆...
- What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh 本性总要表露...
- What's done cannot be undone 覆水难收...
- what's the matter with...? ...怎么啦?...出了什么事?...
- what's what 事情的真相...
- what's wrong with...? ...怎么啦?...
- what-if analysis 假设分析...
- whatever fate may send 不管命运怎样摆布...
- whatever happens 不管发生什么事,不管出现什么情况...
- whatever may betide 无论发生什么事情...
- wheal reaction 风团反应,风疹块反应...
- wheat bouillon 小麦肉汤...
- wheat bug 谷螨,虱螨...
- wheat culture-medium 小麦培养基,小麦肉汤...
- wheat germ 小麦胚...
- wheat germ oil 麦胚油...
- wheaten flour 小麦粉...
- Wheatstone automatic system 惠斯登自动系统...
- Wheatstone bridge 惠斯通电桥...
- Wheatstone perforator 惠斯登凿孔机...
- Wheatstone's bridge 惠斯通氏电桥(用以测定电阻的器械)...
- wheedle one's way into favour 骗取欢心...
- wheedle sb into doing sth 哄骗某人干某事...
- wheedle sth from of sb 骗取某人的某物...
- wheedle sth out of 骗取...
- wheedle sth out of sb 骗取某人的某物...
- wheel aligner 车轮对准器...
- wheel alignment 前轮定位...
- wheel and deal 独断专行,做负责人...
- wheel barrow 手推车,独轮推车...
- wheel base 轴距...
- wheel cells 轮细胞...
- wheel center 轮心体...
- wheel gate 轮形进模口...
- wheel hub 轮毂...
- wheel lathe 车轮车床...
- wheel press 压轮机...