- sound-energy density 声能密度...
- sound-energy flux 声能通量...
- sound-energy flux density 声能通量密度...
- sound-level meter 音位计...
- sound-on-sound recording 音上音记录法...
- sound-perceiving apparatus 觉音器...
- sound-powered telephone set 声压电话机组...
- sound-powor level 声音功率位准...
- sound-proff chamber 防音室...
- sound-proof coating 防声涂料...
- sound-proof material 隔音材料...
- sound-recording system 录音系统...
- sound-reflection coefficient 声音反射系数...
- sound-reproducing system 声音重发系统...
- sound-transmission coefficient 声音传送系数...
- Soundex code 桑迪克斯代码...
- sounding balloon 探空气球...
- sounding board 共振板...
- sounding in damages 查实损害...
- soup kitchen 施舍处,流动厨房...
- soup spoon 汤匙...
- soup sth up 增加汽车马力...
- Souques' phenomenon 苏克氏现象(在不全性偏瘫时,提高手臂出现...
- Souques's phenomenon 苏克氏现象(在不全性偏瘫时,提高手臂出现...
- Souques's sign 苏克氏征,运动倒错...
- sour cherry bark 酸樱皮...
- sour crude 酸性原油;含硫原油含硫原油...
- sour data antomotion 原始数据自动化...
- sour dry gas 酸性干气;含硫量高的干燥石油气...
- sour gas 酸气...
- sour gasoline 酸性汽油;含硫汽油(经硫酸精制而未进行碱...
- sour grapes 酸葡萄...
- sour milk 酸乳...
- sour oil 酸性油;未中和的油...
- sour one's cheeks 不高兴...
- sour-milk diet 酸乳饮食...
- source address 源地址...
- source address field 地址字段...
- source address instruction 源地址指令...
- source addressing 源定址...
- source alphabet 源字母表...
- source analyzer system 源分析程序系统...
- source area 源区...
- source assembly display 源汇编显示...
- source block 源块...
- source book 原始资料原始资料集...
- source case 源角色;出处角色...
- source clause 源子句...
- source code 源代码...
- source code compatibility 源代码兼容性...
- source code instruction 源代码指令...
- source code listing 源代码列表...
- source computer 源计算机...
- source data 源数据...
- source data automation 源资料自动作用...
- source data automation equipment 源资料化设备...
- source data capture 源资料捕捉...
- source data collection 原始数据收集...
- source data entry 源资料输入...
- source deck 源卡片叠...
- source directory 源目录源目录...
- source document 源文档源文档原始单据...
- source encoding 信源编码...
- source field 源字段源字段...
- source figure 源图...
- source file 源文件源文件...
- source impedance 源阻抗...
- source ion 离子源...
- source item 源项...
- source language 源语言源语言...
- source language level 源语言级...
- source library 源程序库...
- source machine 源机器...
- source macrodefinition 源宏定义...
- source material 原始资源...
- source module 源程序模块...
- source of finance 经济来源...
- source of income 收入来源...
- source of infection 感染源...
- source of law 法律渊源,法源...
- source of lrght 光源...
- source of revenue 收入的来源...
- source of war 战争的根源...
- source of wealth 财富来源...
- source point 源点...
- source principle 来源原则...
- source program 源程序...
- source program library 源程序库...
- source program optimizer 源程序最优化...
- source recording 原始记录...