- pile driver crane 打椿起重机...
- pile driving 打椿...
- pile driving machine 打桩机...
- pile forceps 痔钳...
- pile into 挤入,进入...
- pile it on 夸张...
- pile on the agony 过分渲染悲痛...
- pile out 挤出,走出...
- pile up 堆积,积累,搁浅,撞毁...
- pile up the agony 渲染悲痛的事...
- Pilea Lindl. 冷水花属...
- piled up in excess of requirement 供过于求...
- piled weight 堆重...
- piled-up retort 成堆干馏...
- pileus hippocralicus 帽式绷带...
- pileus ventriculi 十二指肠冠,十二指肠球部...
- pili annulati 花斑发,黑白段发...
- pili papillae 毛乳头...
- pili tactiles 触毛...
- piliferous cyst 藏毛囊肿,毛窝瘘...
- piliis ophidiae 蛇蜕...
- piling machine 打椿机...
- pill finisher 整丸器...
- pill mass 丸块...
- pill mass roller 丸剂块滚研机...
- pill pad 吸毒窝...
- pill roller 医生,药剂师...
- pill rolling tremor 捏丸样震颤...
- pill tile 丸剂板...
- pillar cells 柱细胞,柯替氏器柱细胞(耳蜗)...
- pillar crane 立柱式旋臂起重机...
- pillar drilling machine 柱架钻床...
- pillar file 狭锉...
- pillar of diaphragm 膈脚...
- pillar of external abdominal ring 腹股沟皮下环脚...
- pillar-bracket bearing 立柱托架轴承...
- pillars of abdominal ring 腹环脚...
- pillars of Corti's organ 柯替氏器柱细胞...
- pillars of fauces 腭弓...
- pillars of fornix 穹窿柱及脚...
- pillars of iris 虹膜梳状韧带...
- pillbox antenna 丸盒天线...
- pilleus ventriculi 十二指肠冠...
- pilli torti 卷发,卷毛...
- pilling effect 起球现象...
- pillion fracture 机器脚踏车骨折...
- pillow block bearing 座架...
- pillow fight 假打闹,小争吵...
- pillow slip n.枕套...
- pillow splint 枕头夹(下肢骨折用)...
- pills Boisragon 博伊斯拉贡氏丸(含甘汞、芦荟、复方药西瓜...
- pilocarpine hyarochloride 盐酸毛果芸香硷...
- pilocarpine nitrate 硝酸毛果芸香碱硝酸毛果芸香硷...
- pilocarpine phenate 毛果芸香硷酚盐,阿塞普托林...
- Pilocarpus jaborandi Holmes 毛果芸香...
- Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf 小叶毛果芸香,马能汗毛果芸香...
- Pilocarpus pennatlfolius Lem. 巴拉圭毛果芸香...
- pilocytic astrocytoma 纤维性星形细胞瘤...
- pilomotor fibers 立毛纤维...
- pilomotor nerves 立毛神经...
- pilomotor reflex 立毛反射...
- pilonidal fistula 藏毛瘘...
- pilonidal sinuses 藏毛窦(骶尾窦)...
- pilos antler 鹿茸...
- pilos deer horn 鹿茸...
- pilose nevus 毛痣...
- pilosebaceous orifice 毛囊口...
- pilosus ixodes 多毛硬蜱...
- pilot and telephone block system 乡导及电话行车制...
- pilot angle 排障器角铁...
- pilot balloon 测风气球...
- pilot bearing 响导轴承...
- pilot block system 指示系统...
- pilot boat 领航艇...
- pilot bread 硬饼干...
- pilot brush 引示刷...
- pilot burner 导燃烧嘴...
- pilot cable 引示电缆...
- pilot carrier relay 引示载波继电器...
- pilot castings 试作铸件...
- pilot cell 引示电池...
- pilot census 试验性人口调查...
- pilot channel 引示波道...
- pilot contacts 引示接触...
- pilot exciter 引示激磁机...
- pilot fatigue 飞行员疲劳...
- pilot flag 招请引水员旗号...
- pilot frequency 引示频率...
- pilot frequency oscillator 引示频振荡器...
- pilot gas burner 导燃气烧嘴...