- offer subject to selling all or none 全部销售(或没有销售)的报价...
- offer subject to shipping space available 以有仓位为准的报价...
- offer wanted 征求出售,急需征购...
- offer which has lapsed 过期的要约(放盘)...
- offer without engagement 不受约束的报价...
- offered down 开价跌落,出价下降...
- offered firm 确实报价,确盘,不变报价...
- offered load 提供负载...
- offered price 提供的出售价格...
- offering bribe 行贿...
- offering circular 发行说明书...
- offering date 报价日,发价日...
- offering list 报价单,价目表...
- offering period 发价有效期...
- offering price 要价,索价...
- offering sheet 价目表...
- office action 审定通知程序,审定通知行为...
- office appliance 办公用品(用具)...
- office automation 办公室自动化办公自动化办公自动化...
- office automation system 办公室自动化系统...
- office building 办公楼办公楼...
- office cable 局内电缆...
- office cash account 办公用现金帐户...
- office cash control 办公用现金限额...
- office code 局名码...
- office computer system 办公用计算机系统...
- office copier 办公用复印机...
- office copy (经官方认证的)文书,复本正式文本,誊本...
- office document architecture 办公室文件结构...
- office duties 办公室工作制度,办公条款...
- office employees 职员...
- office equipment 办公设备,办公用具...
- office expenses 办公费用...
- office frame 选局机架...
- office furniture 办公器具...
- office furniture and fixtures 办公器具及装置...
- office hours 办公时间,门诊时间办公时间,营业时间...
- office hunter 谋求官职的人...
- office lawyer 顾问律师...
- office machine 事务计算机,办公用计算机...
- office management 事务管理,办公室管理办公室管管理,公务管...
- office manual 公务手册...
- office network 办公用网络,办公室网...
- office of accounts and statistics 主计处...
- office of commercial counsellor 商务参赞处...
- office of destination 收报局...
- office of legal advisers 法律顾问处...
- office of legal affairs 法律事务所...
- office of minority business enterprise 中小型企业局...
- office of origin 发报局...
- office of regional affairs and economic coordination 区域事务与经济协调局...
- office of telecommunications 电信局...
- office of the charge d'affaires 代办处...
- office of the master in lunacy 精神病主事官办事处...
- office of the president 总统府...
- office of the public prosecutor 检察院,检察机关...
- office paper 公司票据...
- office planning 办公室工作计划,办事细则...
- office practice 法律鉴定事务...
- office premises 公用建筑物...
- office premium 办公室保险费...
- office procedure 管理方法...
- office profile 办公简要表...
- office rental 办公室租金...
- office salaries 公务人员...
- office selector 选局机...
- office supplies 办公用品,事务用品...
- office system 办公室系统...
- office terminal 办公室终端,管理终端...
- office typewriter 办公用打字机...
- office worker 上班族...
- office-block ballot 顺序选票...
- officer of justice 政府司法官员,法院的司法人员...
- officer of the court 法院官员,法院执达员...
- officer of the day 值日军官...
- officer of the guard 警卫军官...
- officer on agreement 签约聘任的职员...
- officer on duty 值班公务员...
- officer on probation 试用职员...
- officer on the active list 现役军官...
- officer on trial 试任职员...
- officers' bonus 职员...
- officers' check 银行本票...
- officers' salaries 职员...
- official assignee 法定受托人,法定受让人...
- official assigneeship 法定受托人的身分,法定受让人的身分...
- official banned books 禁书...
- official bond 身分保证书...
- official bulletin 正式公报,官方公报...
- official capacity 公职权力,官方权力,法定资格...