- module fixture 组件夹具...
- module frame 模帧...
- module information 组件信息,模块信息...
- module interconnection language 模块互连语言...
- module key 模块关键码,模块关键字...
- module level 模块级...
- module level design 模块级设计...
- module library 模块库,模块程序库...
- module listing program 模块制表程序...
- module loading order 模块装入命令...
- module name 模块名...
- module of software 软件模块...
- module production 组件生产,模块生产,模件生产...
- module replacement policy 模块置换规则...
- module specification 模块指明...
- module strength 模块强度...
- module structure 模块结构,模件结构...
- module test program 组件测试程序,模块测试程序...
- module tester 模块测试仪...
- module verification 模块验证,模块检验...
- moduling transform 模块化变换...
- modulo check 模核对...
- modulo N check 模N校验;同余式校验...
- modulo-11 technique 模11技术...
- modulo-N counter 模N计数器...
- modulo-N residue 模N的余数...
- modulo-two adder 模2加法器...
- modulus at a definite elongation 定伸强度...
- modulus in tension 拉伸模量;抗拉模数...
- modulus of a machine 机械效率...
- modulus of compression 压缩模量...
- modulus of direct elasticity 纵向弹性模数,扬氏率,扬氏系数...
- modulus of elasticity 弹性模量...
- modulus of elasticity in shear 剪切弹性模量...
- modulus of elasticity of volume 容积弹性模数...
- modulus of longitudinal elasticity 纵向弹性模数...
- modulus of resilience 回弹模量...
- modulus of rigidity 刚性模量...
- modulus of rupture 断裂模量...
- modulus of section 断面系数;截面模量...
- modulus of shearing 剪切模量...
- modulus of stretch 拉伸模量;伸长模量...
- modulus of transverse elasticity 横向弹模数...
- modulus operator 模运算符...
- modus habilis 有效方式...
- modus operandi 手术法,操作法经营方式运用法,操纵法...
- modus vivendi 临时解决办法,过渡办法,临时协定...
- Moe plate 莫氏板(股骨转子间骨折内固定的钢板)...
- Moebius' disease 默比厄斯氏病(周期性偏头痛兼眼肌麻痹)...
- Moeller's disease 默勒氏病,婴儿坏血病...
- Moeller's glossitis 默勒氏舌炎,慢性舌乳头炎,光滑舌...
- Moeller's itch 默勒氏痒病,结痂性疥疮...
- Moeller's method staining 默勒氏染色法(染细菌芽胞)...
- Moeller's reaction 默勒氏反应(结核菌素鼻反应)...
- Moeller's reactisn 默勒氏反应(结核菌素鼻反应)...
- Moeller's scabies 默勒氏疥疮,结痂性疥疮...
- Moeller's slossitis 默勒氏舌炎,慢性舌乳头炎...
- Moeller-Barlow disease 默-巴二氏病,婴儿出血性骨病(佝偻病骨膜...
- Moena's anomaly 莫埃那异常,凝血致活酶缺少症...
- Moenckeberg's sclerosis 门克伯格氏硬化(动脉中层钙化)...
- Moentjang tina 桐油中毒...
- Moerner's test 莫尔试验...
- Moerner-Sjoqvist method 默-斯二氏法(检尿中脲)...
- Mohawk data language 莫霍克数据语言...
- Mohr balance 莫尔天平...
- Mohr method 莫尔法...
- Mohr pipet 莫尔吸量管...
- mohr titration 莫尔滴定法...
- Mohr's method 莫尔氏法(检氯化物)...
- Mohr's salt 硫酸亚铁铵;莫尔盐莫尔氏盐,硫酸亚铁铵...
- Mohr's test 莫尔氏试验(检胃盐酸)...
- Mohr's tests 莫尔氏试验(检胃盐酸)...
- mohrcubic centimeter 莫尔立方公分...
- Mohrenheim's fossa 莫伦海姆氏窝(锁骨下窝)...
- Mohrenheim's fossae 锁骨下窝,三角胸大肌间三角...
- Mohrenheim's space 莫伦海姆氏间隙,锁骨下窝...
- Mohs' hardness scale 莫氏硬度标...
- moire fringe 叠栅条纹...
- moise killer 噪声限制器...
- moisse-voltage generator 杂音电压产生器...
- moist air 湿空气...
- moist catalysis 湿催化剂...
- moist cough 湿咳...
- moist curing 润湿处理(保持在润湿介质中)...
- moist dressing 湿敷料...
- moist eczema 湿润性湿疹...
- moist friction 湿擦...
- moist gangrene 湿性坏疽...
- moist heat sterilizer 湿热灭菌器...
- moist necrosis 湿性坏死...