- lamp socket 灯座...
- lamp socket antenna 灯座天线...
- lamp socket switch 灯座开关...
- lamp sulfur test 含硫量燃灯试验...
- lamp test 灯试法(试硫用)...
- lamp wire 灯线...
- lamp-base cement 灯泡粘合剂...
- lampbrush chromosomes 刷形染色体...
- Lampkin oscillator Lampkin振荡器...
- lamprey liver oil 八目鳗鱼肝油...
- lamps of heaven 发亮的天体...
- LAN broadcast 局网广播...
- LAN broadcast address 局网广播地址...
- LAN driver LAN驱动程序...
- LAN emulator LAN仿真程序...
- lan gateway 局网网关...
- lan global address 局网全地址...
- LAN individual address 局网单地址...
- LAN manager 局域网管理系统,局域网操作系统...
- LAN multicast 局网多路计算...
- LAN Server 局域网服务器(局域网操作系统)...
- LAN WorkGroup 局域网工作群组软件...
- LAN Workplace 局域网工作站软件...
- lana vitri 玻璃棉...
- LANalyzer for NetWare NetWare的局域网分析器...
- lanasol brown 兰纳盐棕...
- lanasol colours 兰纳盐染料...
- lanasol orange 兰纳盐橙...
- lanatoside A 毛花洋地黄甙A...
- lanatoside B 毛花洋地黄甙B...
- lanatoside C 毛花苷C;西地兰毛花洋地黄甙C...
- lancacidin (lankacidin) 兰卡杀菌素...
- lancashire boiler 兰卡夏锅炉...
- Lancaster's advancement 兰开斯特氏徒前术(一种斜视矫正手术)...
- lance-pointed needle 矛头针...
- lance-shaped knife 枪状刀...
- Lancefield classification 兰斯菲耳德氏分类法(链球菌沉淀反应分类法...
- Lancereaux's diabetes 朗瑟罗氏糖尿病(伴有胰腺疾病及消瘦)...
- Lancereaux's law 朗瑟罗氏定律血栓形成定律...
- Lancereaux's nephritis 风湿性间质性肾炎...
- Lancereaux's operation 郎瑟罗氏手术(治主动脉瘤)...
- Lancereaux's taeatment 朗瑟罗氏疗法(皮下注射甘油治疗血管瘤)...
- Lancereaux's treatment 郎瑟罗氏疗法(皮下注射甘油治疗血管瘤)...
- Lancereaux-Mathieu disease 朗-马二氏病,外耳氏病(钩端螺旋体性黄疸...
- lancet abscess 脓肿刀...
- lancet acne 痤疮刀...
- Lancet coefficient 兰塞特系数(与苯酚消毒能力的比较值)...
- lancet fluke 枪状双腔吸虫,支双腔吸虫...
- lancet for venesection 刺络刀,静脉切开刀...
- lancet gum 龈刀...
- lancet laryngeal 喉柳叶刀...
- lancet spring 弹簧刀,弹簧刺血刀...
- lancinating pain 刀刺性痛...
- Lancisi's nerve 朗契西氏神经(纹),内侧纵纹...
- land account 土地帐户...
- land acquisition 土地征用...
- land administration 土地管理...
- land aeroplane 陆上飞机...
- land agency 土地管理(处)...
- land agent 地产商地产经理人,地产商,田产管理人...
- land allotment 土地分配(核给)...
- land and building 土地和房屋,房地产...
- land and building sinking fund 房地产偿债基金...
- land area 陆地区域...
- land bank 地产银行,土地银行...
- land board 土地局...
- land boiler 陆上用锅炉...
- land borne trade 陆上贸易...
- land carriage 陆运...
- land certificate 土地登记证...
- land charges 土地费用...
- land contracts 土地契约(合同)...
- land conveyance of train tablet 走送路牌...
- land court 土地裁判所...
- land disputes 土地纠纷...
- land domain 领陆,领土...
- land engine 陆用引擎...
- land fall 土地所有权的获得,初见陆地,地崩...
- land fever 陆地热,河床热...
- land freight 陆地运费...
- land goods without a permit 私行起货...
- land grabber 霸占土地者...
- land holder 土地持有者,土地租用人...
- land improvement 土地改良...
- land in abeyance 所有权未定的土地...
- land index 土地指数...
- land jobber 地皮掮客,地产投机商...
- land lady 女房东,女地主...
- land law 土地法...
- land laws 土地法...