- ascetylenechloride 乙炔基氯...
- ascites tumour 水腹肿...
- ascorblgen 抗坏血精,结合抗坏血酸...
- aseptie distillation 防腐蒸馏...
- ash bin 灰仓...
- ash bowl 灰碗...
- ash bucket 灰箕...
- ash coal 多灰份煤...
- ash cock 灰旋塞...
- ash composition 灰分...
- ash concrete 灰水泥...
- ash content 灰分含量...
- ash conveyor 运灰器...
- ash cooling 灰冷...
- ash damper 灰槽门...
- ash discharging gear 灰排机构...
- ash door 除灰门...
- ash ejector 冲灰器...
- ash ejector pump 灰喷射泵...
- ash expeller 排灰器...
- ash fire 灰火,余烬灰火,余烬...
- ash free 无灰的...
- ash fusibility 灰熔度...
- ash handling plant 灰处理设备...
- ash hoe 扒灰板...
- ash hoist 吊灰机...
- ash hole 灰坑...
- ash on dry coal 干煤灰份...
- ash pan 灰盘...
- ash pit 灰坑...
- ash pit door 灰坑门...
- ash structure 火山灰结构...
- ash test 灰份试验...
- ash tray 灰盘...
- ash tres 灰树...
- ash zone 灰层...
- ash-forming impurities 成灰杂质...
- ash-free coal 不含灰份煤...
- ash-free fuel 无灰燃料...
- ash-pan slide guide angle 灰盘滑板导角铁...
- ash-pan-sheet angle 灰盘皮角铁...
- ash-rich fuel 多灰燃料...
- ash-seed oil 桉子油...
- Ashcroft cell 阿希克罗夫特电池...
- ashed 灰化了的,成了灰的...
- ashen a.由灰烬构成的,灰色的,苍白的灰的,似...
- ashes n.骨灰灰相关词组...
- ashiar 琢石,方石...
- ashiar brick 琢石砖...
- ashiess 无灰的...
- ashlaring n.料石,石板砌琢石...
- ashler 琢石,方石...
- ashlering 砌琢石...
- ashless a.无灰的无灰...
- ashless coal 无灰煤...
- ashless filter 无灰滤纸...
- ashless filter paper 无灰滤纸...
- ashy a.灰的,覆盖着灰的,苍白的灰的,含灰的...
- ashy top 焦头,焦炭头...
- asix of symmetry 对称轴...
- Askarel 阿斯卡列...
- associated liquid 缔合液体...
- associated reaction 缔合反应...
- associated substance of cellulose 纤维素缔合物...
- associating 缔合的,缔合(作用)...
- Association of Iiron&steel engineers 美国钢铁工程师学会...
- associtation heat 缔合热...
- associtation polymer 缔合聚合...
- associtation reaction 缔合反应...
- assorting 分类...
- attached test coupon 附体试验...
- asomycetous yeast 囊子菌型酵母菌...
- asparaginyl 门冬酰...
- asparagyl 门冬酰,氨基丁二酸一酰...
- aspartamic acid 门冬酰氨...
- aspartate 门冬氨酸盐...
- aspartokinase 天冬氨酸激...
- aspartyl 门冬氨酰,丁氨二酰...
- aspartyl phosphate 天冬氨酰磷酸...
- aspen n.山杨a.山杨的,颤抖的山杨;山杨的...
- aspen wood 山杨木...
- asphalt base 沥青底子...
- asphalt base oil 沥青底子油...
- asphalt cement 沥青膏...
- asphalt coal 沥青煤...
- asphalt cutback 溶于石油馏出物中的(地)沥青...
- asphalt emulsion 沥青乳浊液,沥青乳胶体...
- asphalt filler 沥青填充物,沥青填料...
- asphalt flux 沥青助熔剂...
- asphalt furnace 沥青炉...