- abrasive stone 磨石...
- abrasive wear machine 磨耗试验机...
- abrasive-laden lubrieant 含有磨料的滑润剂...
- abraslon resistance 磨蚀抗力,抗磨性...
- abrator 离心喷光机...
- abrupt change 陡变...
- abscisin 松脂酸...
- absenteeism rate 缺勤率...
- absolute asymmetry 绝对不对称...
- absolute atmosphere 绝对大气压...
- absolute boiling point 绝对沸点...
- absolute capacity 绝对容量...
- absolute ceiling 绝对升限...
- absolute coefficient 绝对系数...
- absolute constant 绝对常数...
- absolute differential calculus 绝对微分学...
- absolute dry weight 绝对干重,绝对净重...
- absolute efficiency 绝对效率...
- absolute electrometer 绝对静电...
- absolute ethyl alcohol 无水乙醇...
- absolute galvanometer 绝对电流计,绝对测电流计...
- absolute gravity 绝对比重...
- absolute heating effect 绝对热效...
- absolute humidity of gas 气体的绝对湿度...
- absolute joule 绝对焦耳...
- absolute kilowatt 绝对千瓦...
- absolute manometer 绝对压力计...
- absolute ohm 绝对欧姆...
- absolute practical unit 绝对实用单位...
- absolute reaction rate 绝对反应速率...
- absolute reaction rate theory 绝对反应速率理论...
- absolute rest 绝对静止...
- absolute rolling 绝对滚动...
- absolute rotation 绝对旋转...
- absolute scale of temperature 绝对温标...
- absolute scattering power 绝对散射本领...
- absolute solvent power 绝对溶剂力...
- absolute speed 绝对速率...
- absolute system 绝对制...
- absolute system of units 绝对单位制...
- absolute temperature scale 绝对温标...
- absolute viscometer 绝对粘度计...
- absolute viscometer capillary tube type 绝对粘度计...
- absolute volt 绝对伏特...
- absolute volume 绝对音量,绝对容积...
- absolute watt 绝对瓦特...
- absolute weight 绝对重量...
- absorbability n.可吸收性吸收本领,被吸收性...
- absorbar 吸收器...
- absorbed a.全神贯注的,一心一意的被吸收的相关词...
- absorbed energy 吸收器...
- absorbency index 吸光系数...
- absorbent filter 吸收性滤器...
- absorbent filtering medium 吸收过滤介质...
- absorbent oil 吸收油...
- absorbent solution 吸收剂溶液...
- absorbent-type filter 吸收剂型滤器...
- absorbing a.吸引人的,非常有趣的吸收的...
- absorbing apparatus 吸收仪器...
- absorbing coil 吸收线圈...
- absorbing column 吸收柱...
- absorbing duct 吸收管...
- absorbing surface 吸收面...
- absorbing well 吸入水井...
- absorption chamber 吸收室...
- absorption color 吸收色...
- absorption compound 吸收化合物...
- absorption degree 吸收度...
- absorption equilibrium 吸收平衡...
- absorption exponent 吸收指数...
- absorption flask 吸收烧瓶...
- absorption function 吸收函数...
- absorption gasoline 吸收汽油...
- absorption hygrometer 吸收式湿度计...
- absorption isobar 吸收等压线...
- absorption limit 吸收极限...
- absorption liquid 吸收液...
- absorption machine 吸收式冷冻机...
- absorption of heat 热的吸收...
- absorption of light 光吸收...
- absorption of moisture 吸湿,吸潮...
- absorption oil 吸收油...
- absorption oil purification process 吸收油精制过程...
- absorption potential 吸收电位...
- absorption process 吸收法...
- absorption ray 吸收(射)线...
- absorption shock 减震法...
- absorption system 吸收式系统...
- absorption system of refrigeration 冷冻吸收水性试验...
- absorption test of greases 润滑脂吸水性试验...