- guaranty company 保证公司...
- guaranty funds 保证金...
- guaranty money 保证金...
- guaranty saving bank 保证储蓄银行...
- guaranty society 保证团体...
- guaranty trust company 保证信托公司...
- guaranty unconditional 不附带任何条件的保证...
- guard and caretakes expenses 警卫及看管费用...
- guardain 保护人,监护人...
- guess work 推测,猜测...
- guideline n.指导路线,方针,指标指导路线,方针,...
- guideline lives 规定寿命...
- guidelines for recurring transactions 重复发生的交易处理准则...
- guiding price 指导价格...
- guild n.团体,协会,行业协会同业公会...
- guilder n.荷兰盾(荷兰货币单位)质...
- gulf n.海湾,深渊,漩涡,隔阂vt.吞没墨西...
- gusher 喷油井,自喷井...
- gusher well 自喷井,猛喷井...
- gutterman 卖便宜货的摊贩,货郎...
- H.k. 香港...
- habilitate vt.提供周转资金,给...穿着,使.....
- habitual residence 通常住址...
- hackney carriage 供雇用车辆,运输服务车辆...
- haggle vi.争论,杀价vt.乱砍,乱劈n.杀价...
- Hague rules ...
- hail insurance 冰雹保险...
- hailstorm insurance 暴风雨险...
- Hainan investment zone 海南经济特区...
- half a bar 价值五十万镑的交易...
- half a buck 五角硬币...
- half commission man 对开(半收)佣金经纪人...
- half fare 半价运费,车,船半价运费...
- half finished goods 半成品...
- half measure 权宜办法,折衷办法...
- half pay 半薪...
- half penny 半便士,小额...
- half price 半价...
- half price coupon 半价券...
- half price ticket 半价票...
- half stock 半(成,料)浆半股...
- half-duty 半税...
- half-life n.半衰期,半排出期半衰期;半寿期半衰期...
- half-life loan value 半期贷款值...
- half-pint n.个子矮小的人,微不足道的人十六分之一...
- half-time n.半工半薪半日薪,半工半薪...
- half-timer 半日工作者...
- half-yearly a.每半年的ad.每半年地每半年的...
- half-yearly account 半年期帐单...
- half-yearly closing 半年决算...
- half-yearly economic report 半年经济报告...
- half-yearly premium 半年保险费...
- hall test 售货厅(商场)试验...
- hallmark n.纯度检验证明,品质证明vt.加盖纯度...
- Halsey plan 赫塞制...
- hamburg rules ...
- hand bill 传单,广告...
- hand finishing 人工(手工)整修...
- hand inspection (用)手检查...
- hand over against payment of the price 凭付款交付...
- hand over hand (爬绳等)双手交互使用地,稳步地赚得很快...
- hand press-packed bale 人工紧压包...
- hand work 手工作业...
- hand-sorting method 手工分类法...
- hand-to-mouth operation 小本经营...
- handbook n.手册手册手册...
- handicapped worker 残废工人...
- handicraft n.手工艺,手艺手工业,手工...
- handicraft economy 手工业经济...
- handicraft industry 手工业...
- handicraft production 手工业生产...
- handle n.柄,把手,把柄,柄状物,手感vt.触...
- handle change 遥控,远距离控制...
- handle procedures 办理手续...
- handle with care 小心轻放;小心装卸;小心搬运小心轻放(搬...
- handle with great care 特别当心搬动...
- handler n.处理者,操作者,拳击教练管理者...
- handling n.处理a.操作的装卸...
- handling and loading 搬装...
- handling charge 管理费,经营费...
- handling cost 管理成本,经营成本...
- handling expense 搬运费用,装卸费用,手续(管理)费...
- handling facilities 装卸设备装卸设备...
- handling objection 反对意见的处理...
- handling operation 装卸工作装卸作业...
- handsel n.贺礼,彩金定金,保证金...
- handy/harman Handy/Harman...
- have recourse against 向某某行使追索权...
- haves and have-nots 富国与穷国...
- hawker n.饲鹰者,以鹰行猎者,叫卖小贩推车叫卖...