- aggregative pricing 积极的定价,进取性的定价...
- aggregative stock 进取性的股份...
- aggregative weighted index 综合加权指数...
- aggrieved party 受损害的一方...
- aging n.老化,变陈老化,陈化老化;陈化;老成...
- aging accounts receivable 应收帐款帐龄分类...
- aging method 帐龄分析法...
- aging schedule 帐龄表...
- aging the accounts 帐龄分析...
- aging the receivable 分析应收款欠帐的时间...
- agio n.贴水,贴水率贴水,扣头,折扣...
- agiotage n.汇兑业务,政券投机汇兑业务,兑换...
- agree upon a price 谈妥价钱,议价...
- agreed agency commission 约定的代理佣金...
- agreed formula 一致同意的办法,商定方案...
- agreed gang wage on account of piecework earnings 小组承包计件工资制...
- agreed holiday 公休...
- agreed individual wage on account of piecework earnings 个人承包计件工资制...
- agreed insured value 商定保险值...
- agreed price 议定价格...
- agreed quantity of trade 议定贸易量...
- agreed rate 协定运费率...
- agreed text 一致同意的文本,议定文本...
- agreed upon 同意,商定...
- agreed value 约定价值...
- agreement n.同意,合约,协议契约,协议,协定相关...
- agreement acceptance 契约承诺,合同承认...
- agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation 科学技术合作协定...
- agreement on avoidance of double taxation 避免双重徵税协定...
- agreement on exchange guarantees 外汇保值协定...
- agreement on licensing 许可证协议...
- agreement on postal service 邮政协定...
- agreement on tele-communication 电信协定...
- agreement tariff 协定税则...
- agreement year 协定年度...
- agribusiness n.农业综合经营农产品行业...
- agricultural accounting 农业会计...
- agricultural bank 农业银行...
- agricultural business 农业事务...
- agricultural economics 农业经济...
- agricultural experimental station 农业试验场...
- agricultural income 农业收益...
- agricultural industry 农作物工业...
- agricultural insurance 农业保险...
- agricultural integration 农业一体化...
- agricultural land 农用地,农业土地...
- agricultural machanization 农业机械化...
- agricultural marketing act 农业市场经营法...
- agricultural modernization 农业现代化...
- agricultural paper 农业票据...
- agricultural parity prices 农产品的平准价格...
- agricultural produces cooperations 农业生产合作社...
- agricultural production index 农业生产指数...
- agricultural products 农产品...
- agricultural protectionism 农业保护主义...
- agricultural specialization region 农业专业化区...
- agriculture-industry-commerce intergrated complex 农工商联合企业...
- agro-economic zone 农业经济区...
- AIA 美国建筑师协会...
- aid n.帮助,外援,助手vt.援助,帮助,有...
- aid account 经济援助帐户...
- aid agreement 援助协定...
- aid tying 援助的附带条件,对援款的限制...
- Aida 广告作用四阶段...
- aids to trade 贸易支柱...
- air bill of lading 空运提单...
- air borne 空运的,非机上的...
- air borne goods 空运货物...
- air charter movement 包机空运...
- air commerce 航空商业...
- air consignment note 空运托运单...
- air consignment of air recepts 航空收据...
- air container 空运集装箱...
- air freight 航空运费(水脚)航空运输...
- air freight forwarder 空运发运业者...
- air transport service division 空运服务组...
- air transportation 航空运输,空运...
- air transportation cargo insurance 航空运输货物保险...
- air transportation insurance 航空运输保险...
- air trip accident 空中旅行平安险...
- air way bill of lading 航空提单,空运提单...
- air waybill 航空运货单,空运单...
- air ways 航空运输线...
- aircraft all risks 非机一切险...
- aircraft passenrger insurance 非机乘客险...
- airway dilivery note 空运交货通知单...
- aleatory contact 不对等价值的合同...
- algebraic oriented language 代数排列语言...
- algebraic solution of linear programming 线性规划问题的代数解法...
- algebraic sum 代数和代数和...