- depreciation-sum of expected life 预计年限总数折旧...
- depreciation-sum of expected life period method 预计年限总数折旧法...
- depreciation-sum of year digit 年数合计折旧法,年限总额折旧法...
- depreciation-uniformity varying amounts method 统一变数折旧法...
- depreciation-unit cost method 单位成本折旧法...
- depreciation-working hours 工作时数折旧法...
- depressed area 萧条地区...
- depressed market 萧条的市场...
- depression n.不景气,消沉,沮丧,洼地抑郁[症],...
- depression of business 商业不景气...
- dept of agriculture and forestry 经济部农业司...
- dept of commercial affairs 经济部商业司...
- dept of currency 财政部钱币司...
- dept of customs 财政部关务署...
- dept of finance 省政府财政厅...
- dept of general affairs 总务司...
- dept of mining 经济部矿业司...
- dept of national bonds 财政部公债司...
- dept of national treasury 财政部国库署...
- dept of public enterprises 经济部公共事业处...
- dept of taxation 财政部赋税署...
- dept of water conservation 经济部水利司...
- Dept. 部门...
- depth interview 纵深查访...
- deputy auditor-general 副审计长...
- deputy manager 副经理...
- deregistration of a slip 注销船舶登记...
- derelict a.被抛弃了的,无主的,玩忽职守的n.遗...
- derivative accounting convention 引伸出来的会计惯例...
- derivative deposit 引伸存款,派生存款...
- derivative method 诱导法,引伸法...
- derived demand 派生而求...
- descent n.降落,家系,侵袭,血统下降,世代,血...
- description n.描述,说明,种类说明书(物品),品名...
- description column 摘要栏...
- description of goods 货物名称,货物摘要...
- description of the indices 指数说明...
- descriptive billing 开出附说明的帐单...
- descriptive economics 叙述经济学...
- descriptive financial statement 附有说明的财务报表...
- descriptive labeling 商品简介标签...
- design costs 设计成本...
- design criteria 设计标准设计准则设计标准...
- design factor 设计因数...
- design of experiments 实验设计实验设计...
- design of products 产品设计...
- design phase 设计阶段设计阶段...
- design project 设计项目...
- design rights 设计权...
- design section 设计部门,设计处(科)...
- design to cost goal 成本目标设计...
- design type 定型设计...
- design-construction team 设计施工小组...
- designated bank 指定银行...
- designated currency 指定货币...
- designated deposit 指定存款...
- designed capacity 设计能力...
- desirability n.值得想望,可取合意性,可用性...
- desirability of investment 投资的需要性(客观需要)...
- desired profit point 预期利润点...
- desk jobber 写字台商人...
- desk research 书桌上的研究工作...
- despatch department 发送部门...
- despatch half demurrage 速遣费按滞期费半数计算...
- despatch money (港口)速遣费...
- despite n.轻视,憎恨prep.虽然,尽管无视于...
- desterilization of reserves 准备金恢复使用...
- destination port 目的出入口,目的端口目的港...
- destruction of document 文件(单据)毁坏...
- destruction policy 破坏保险...
- destructive competition 破坏性的竞争...
- detachable stock warrants 可分离认股权证...
- detail n.细节,详情vt.详述,选派vi.画详...
- detail adder 细数加算器...
- detail contrast 明细对比...
- detail cost analysis 详细造价分析...
- detail file 细目文件说明资料,明细档案...
- detail ledger 明细分类帐...
- detail man 细节推销人...
- detail of construction 构造详图,施工图...
- detail record 详细记录明细记录...
- detail spectifications 详细规格,详细说明书...
- detail statement of account 来往明细帐目...
- detailed accounts 明细帐目...
- detailed audit 详细审计...
- detailed budget 详细预算...
- detailed design 详细设计详细设计...
- detailed examination 详细检查...
- detailed examination program 详细检查提纲...
- detailed packing list 详细装箱单...