- insurance contract 保险契约,保险合同...
- insurance cooperative 保险合作社...
- insurance cover 保险范围,保险总额...
- insurance coverage 保险范围...
- insurance dividend 保险股利...
- insurance division 保险部...
- insurance documents 保险单据...
- insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险...
- insurance exhibit 保险一览表...
- insurance expense 保险费...
- insurance expired 过期保险...
- insurance for life 终生保险,人寿保险...
- insurance fraud 诈欺保险...
- insurance fund 保险基金...
- insurance fund reserve 保险基金准备...
- insurance idemnity 保险赔偿...
- insurance in force 仍在生效的保险...
- insurance indemnity 保险赔偿...
- insurance industry 保险业...
- insurance instruction 投保通知(命令)...
- insurance interest 保险利益...
- insurance law 保险法...
- insurance law of labors accident 职工意外事故保险法...
- insurance market 保险市场...
- insurance money 保险金...
- insurance obligation 保险义务...
- insurance of damage 损害保险...
- insurance on hull 船舶保险...
- insurance period 保险期限...
- insurance policy 保险单保险单...
- insurance portfolio 保险业务量笼统保险...
- insurance practice 保险医业...
- insurance premium 保险费...
- insurance premium unexpired 未过期保险费...
- insurance proceeds 保险赔偿金...
- insurance property 保险财产...
- insurance rebate 保险回扣...
- insurance receipt 保险收据,暂保单...
- insurance register 保险登记簿...
- insurance reserve 保险准备...
- insurance reserve fund 保险准备基金...
- insurance risk 可保风险比例保险危险...
- insurance share 保险业者向股票的投资...
- insurance slip 投保单...
- insurance surveyor 保险检查员...
- insurance till death 人寿保险...
- insurance under a life policy 终身保险...
- insurance underwriter 保录承保人...
- insurance value 保裣价值...
- insure against 给...保险...
- insured amount 保险金险,投保金额...
- insured banks 在联邦存款保险公司投保的银行...
- insured exporter 被保险出口商...
- insured interest 投保权益...
- insured liability 保险责任...
- insured object 保险对象...
- insured pension fund 已保险养老基金...
- insured pension plan 已保险养老基金计划...
- insured person 被保险人...
- insured property 保险财产...
- insured sum 保险总额...
- insured unemployment rate 有保险的失业率...
- insured value 保险价值...
- insurgent body 叛乱团体...
- insurgent clique 叛乱集团...
- insurrectionary officer 起义军官...
- insurrectionary personnel 起义人员...
- INT 14 14号中断...
- intaglio (printing) paper 凹版印刷纸...
- intaglio ink 凹板墨...
- intaglio printing ink-feeding rub-ber blanket 凹版印刷传墨橡皮布...
- intake advance 进气提前...
- intake manifold 进气歧管...
- intake measure 装船尺码...
- intake roller 输入滚轮,进纸辊...
- intake screen 进料滤网...
- intake side 进口侧...
- intake valve(for air) 进气阀;进气门...
- intake weight 运入重量...
- Intalox saddle 槽鞍形填料;矩鞍填料...
- Intalox saddle (packing) 英特洛克斯鞍形填料;槽鞍形填料;矩鞍形填...
- intangible assets 无形资产...
- intangible development costs in extractive industries 采掘工业的无形开发成本...
- intangible drilling cost 无形钻探费用(成本)...
- intangible fixed assets 无形固定资产...
- intangible goods 无形商品...
- intangible personal property 无形个人财产...
- intangible property 无形财产...
- intangible right 无形权利...
- inteachoroidal membranes 脉络裂下膜...