- inland craft 内河运输船双...
- inland custom-home 内地海关...
- inland customs dues 国内关税...
- inland depot 内地货运站...
- inland duty 内地税...
- inland exchange 国内汇兑...
- inland forwarding expenses 国内运费...
- inland haulage 内陆运输费用...
- inland invoice 国内发票...
- inland marine insurance 国内水上运输保险...
- inland money order 国内汇票...
- inland navigation 内河航行...
- inland note 国内票据...
- inland point of shipment 国内装船起运地点...
- inland revenue 国内税收...
- inland revenue office 国内税务局...
- inland river 内河...
- inland sea 内海...
- inland trade 国内贸易...
- inland transport 内地运输...
- inland transportation charge 内陆运输费...
- inland water-borne transport 内地水运...
- inland waters 内水,国内水域...
- inland waterway bill of lading 内河水运提单...
- inland waterway consignment note 内河水运货单...
- inlay bur 嵌体钻...
- inlay casting gold 嵌体铸金...
- inlay graft 嵌入移植物...
- inlay impression tray 嵌体印模盘...
- inlay retainer 嵌入固位体...
- inlay sealing material 嵌缝密封材料...
- inlay sealing materials 嵌缝密封材料...
- inlay wax 嵌体蜡...
- inlet amount 进料量...
- inlet and outlet 出入口...
- inlet close 进气停止...
- inlet leakproof-ring 入口防漏环...
- inlet manhole 人孔入口...
- inlet manifold 入口集合管...
- inlet of dust contained gas 含尘空气入口...
- inlet parameter 入口参数...
- inlet pigtail 入口猪尾管...
- inlet pipe 入口管,进入管...
- inlet port 进气口;吸油口...
- inlet side 进口侧...
- inlet tube 入口管...
- inlet valve 进给阀;进汽阀...
- inlet valve control 进口阀控制...
- Inman's disease 英曼氏病,肌痛...
- inn of court 律师学院...
- innate heat 固有热...
- innate immunity 先天免疫,天然免疫...
- innate reflex 先天[性]反射...
- inner address 体内地址...
- inner anhydride 内酐...
- inner bark 内皮...
- inner barrister 内席律师...
- inner bearing 内轴承...
- inner bearing cover 内轴承盖...
- inner block 内层分程序...
- inner bodies 内含体(红细胞)...
- inner box 内箱...
- inner cabinet 核人内阁...
- inner callus 中央骨痂...
- inner canthus 内眦...
- inner cell mass 内细胞群...
- inner chill 内冷铁...
- inner circle 核心集团...
- inner coating DN-7802 内涂料DN-7802...
- inner colded 内部冷却的...
- inner complex 内络合物;螯合物...
- inner computer 内部计算机...
- inner condenser 内冷凝器...
- inner conductor 内导体...
- inner cone of flame 火焰的内锥...
- inner coordination sphere 内配位层...
- inner cuticle 内护膜,原发性釉护膜...
- inner dead point 内止点...
- inner diameter 内径...
- inner ear 内耳...
- inner electric potential 内层电位;内电势...
- inner electron 内层电子...
- inner electrons 内层电子...
- inner enamel epithelium 内釉上皮...
- inner epithelial sheath 内上皮鞘(毛根)...
- inner ester 内酯...
- inner ether 内醚...
- inner face 内面内表面...
- inner flag register 内标记寄存器...
- inner flame 内焰...