- in a wax 发怒...
- in a way 在某种程度上,稍稍...
- in a whole skin 安然无恙...
- in a wink 瞬息之间...
- in a word 总之...
- in abatement 终止诉讼...
- in absentia 缺席...
- in absolute term 按绝对价值计算...
- in absolute terms 绝对地说...
- in abundance 充足的,很丰盛...
- in accord with 与...一致...
- in accord with... 同...一致...
- in accordance with 与...一致,依照...
- in accordance with practice 按照惯例,根据实践...
- in accordance with the law 依法...
- in accordance with... 与...一致,根据...,依据...,按...
- in account with 与...有帐务往来与...有生意来往...
- in account with... 与...有帐务往来...
- in action 在活动,在运转...
- in active service 服现役,在职...
- in actual fact 事实上...
- in addition 另外...
- in addition to 除...之外...
- in addition to... 除...而外...
- in admiration of... 怀着对...的赞美...
- in advance 预先预先...
- in advance of 在...前面,超过...
- in advance of... 在...前,超过......
- in agreement with... 与...一致...
- in alignment 成一直线...
- in all 总共合计,全部...
- in all conscience 当然,公平地说...
- in all directions 向四面八方,向各方面...
- in all likelihood 十之八九,十分可能...
- in all one's born days 一生...
- in all probability 很可能...
- in all senses 在任何意义上来说...
- in all truth 事实上,的确...
- in all weathers 风雨无阻...
- in allusion to 针对,引喻...
- in allusion to... 针对...而提的...
- in alt 洋洋得意...
- in an almighty fix 处境糟透了...
- in an attempt to do 试图(做)......
- in an awful fry 极其激动...
- in an effort to do 努力(做)......
- in an evil hour 在不幸的时刻...
- in an instant 马上...
- in an interesting condition 怀孕...
- in an unskilful manner 笨拙地...
- in an unskillful manner 笨拙地...
- in and out 进进出出,弯弯曲曲...
- in and out of 进进出出,时进时出,曲曲弯弯地...
- in and out rates 短期结算费率,进出费率...
- in and over clause 舱内和甲板条款...
- in another's shoes 处于别人的地位...
- in answer to 回答,响应...
- in answer to... 为了回答...,为了响应...,应答.....
- in anticipant 预先...
- in any case 无论如何...
- in any event 不论怎样,无论如何...
- in any shape or form 以任何形式...
- in any sort 无论如何...
- in any way 以任何方式...
- in any wise 无论如何...
- in apparent good order and condition 表面状态良好...
- in appearance 在外表上...
- in apple-pie order 整整齐齐...
- in apposition to... 与...并列,与...同位...
- in arms 怀抱着的...
- in arrear of... 落后于......
- in arrears 拖欠,拖延期末支付款,期末支付...
- in articulo mortis 濒死...
- in as far as 在...的限度内,在...的范围内,到如...
- in association with... 与...有关...
- in at one ear and out at the other ear 一耳进一耳出...
- in autre droit 凭他人权力,作为他人代表...
- in autumn 在秋天...
- in back of... 在...后面...
- in bad 倒霉...
- in bad condition 状态恶劣...
- in bad faith 言而无信地...
- in bad repair 失修,状况不好...
- in bad taste 粗俗,不礼貌...
- in bad with sb. 失宠于某人...
- in bags 袋装(货物包装)...
- in balance 总而言之平衡...
- in ballast 空载,放空...
- in bankruptcy 在破产中,破产...
- in bar of 为禁止......