- micro glass beads 玻璃珠...
- micro method 微量法...
- micro sample 微量称样...
- micro vibrating shifter 微粉震动筛...
- micro(electro)phoresis 微量电泳...
- micro-area diffraction 微区衍射...
- micro-base 微机座...
- micro-Brownian movement 微观布郎运动...
- micro-burner 微灯;微焰灯...
- micro-crystal 微晶...
- micro-flocculate 微絮凝粒...
- micro-ionophoresis 微量离子电泳...
- micro-metallic filter 微孔金属过滤器...
- micro-plasma arc welding 微束等离子弧焊...
- micro-reaction 微量反应...
- micro-rheology 微观流变学...
- micro-size particles 微米级粒子;超细粒子...
- micro-thin-layer chromatography 微量薄层色谱法...
- microadsorption column 微吸附柱...
- microadsorption detector 微吸附检测器...
- microaerophilic test 微需氧试验...
- microanalysis n.微量分析微量分析微量分析...
- microbalance n.微量天平微量天平微量天平...
- microballoon sphere 中空微球(浮在罐中油面与空气隔绝以减少蒸...
- microballoons 微微球...
- microbial contamination 杂菌感染...
- microbial methylation 微生物甲基化作用...
- microbial pesticide 微生物农药...
- microbial pesticides 微生物农药...
- microbicide 杀微生物剂杀微生物的,杀微生物药...
- microbiological corrosion 微生物腐蚀...
- microbiological cultivation 微生物培养法...
- microbiological deterioration 微生物降解...
- microbiological fuel cell 微生物燃料电池...
- microbiological method 微生物测定法微生物测定法...
- microbiology n.微生物学微生物学...
- microbion 微生物微生物...
- microbiotic 抗生素微生物的,短寿的,微生物区[系]的...
- Mie scattering 米氏散射...
- miecanyin(a silkwarm maggot killing agent) 灭蚕蝇...
- miediling 甲硝唑;灭滴灵...
- miehailin aerosol 灭害灵气雾剂...
- mieyajing (an aphidicide) 灭蚜净...
- mieyouniao No.3 灭幼脲三号...
- MIF 巨噬细胞抑制因子...
- mignonette oil 木犀草油...
- migrant plasticizer 渗移性增塑剂...
- migrating group 迁移基团...
- migration n.移民,移往,移动迁移迁移移行...
- migration current 迁移电流...
- migration of ions 离子迁移...
- migration of the double bond 双键移位...
- migration plasticizer 渗移性增塑剂...
- migration property 移染性...
- migration tube 迁移管;离子迁移管...
- migration velocity 渗移速度...
- migratory aptitude 迁移倾向...
- miharamycin 三原霉素...
- mikamycin 米卡霉素;蜜柑霉素...
- mikonomycin 米科诺霉素...
- mil n.千分之一英寸毫英寸;密耳;军队域名密...
- milbemycin 米尔倍霉素...
- mild cracking 轻度裂化...
- mild mercurous chloride 稀氯化亚汞...
- mild steel 低碳钢;软钢...
- mildbase 弱碱...
- mildew inhibitor 防霉剂...
- mildew preventive 防霉剂...
- mildew proof agent 防霉剂...
- mildew proof paint 防霉漆...
- mildew resistant paint 防霉漆...
- mildew stain 霉斑...
- mildew-retarding agent 防霉剂...
- mildewing of paints 涂料的霉变...
- mildewproof 防霉;不生霉...
- mildiomycin 灭粉霉素...
- mildly corrosive 轻度腐蚀的...
- moisture sorption isotherm 吸湿等温线...
- moisture-absorbing fibre 吸湿性纤维...
- moisture-proof 防湿;防潮...
- mol-chloric compound 分子氯化合物...
- molal concentration 质量摩尔浓度(旧称重量克分子浓度)...
- molal free energy 摩尔自由能...
- molal heat capacity 摩尔热容...
- molal weight 摩尔量...
- molality 质量摩尔浓度(旧称重量克分子浓度)[重量...
- molar absorption coefficient 摩尔吸收系数...
- molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数...
- molar cohesion 摩尔内聚力...
- molar cohesion energy 摩尔内聚能...