- host processing system 主处理系统...
- host processor 主处理机...
- host programming language 主程序设计语言...
- host secret key 主机私人密钥...
- host service 宿主服务,主机服务...
- host service dialogue 主机服务对话...
- host service protocol 主机服务协议...
- host specificity 宿主特异性...
- host subarea 主机子区域...
- host subscriber 主机用户...
- host support 主支持程序...
- host system 主系统...
- host system mailbox 主系统信箱...
- host system message block 主系统信息块...
- host system response 主机系统响应...
- host table 主机表...
- host text 主文本...
- host user 主机用户...
- host-based system 宿主系统...
- host-guest architecture 主从结构...
- host-guest complex 主客体络合物...
- host-guest complexation 主客体配位;主客体配位作用...
- host-guest coordination compound 主客体配位化合物...
- host-initiated program 主启动程序...
- host-parasite relationship 宿主与寄生物关系...
- host-resident module 主机常驻模块...
- host-resident program 主机常驻程序...
- host-resident software 主常驻软件...
- host-to-adapter protocol 宿主到转接器协议...
- host-to-host protocol 主机到主机协议...
- host/satellite system 主机语言资料库管理系统...
- hostage murder 杀害人质...
- hostage trial 审讯人质...
- hostages to fortune 随时可能失去的人(或物)...
- Hostapon process 霍斯塔庞法(制烷基磺酸盐)...
- hostel-like process 类站进程...
- hostile act 敌意行为...
- hostile attack 恶意攻击...
- hostile country 敌对国,敌国...
- hostile elements 敌对份子...
- hostile embargo 敌国船只的扣留...
- hostile international law 战时国际法...
- hostile policy 敌对政策,敌视政策...
- hostile relations 敌对关系...
- hostile witness 敌意的证人,恶意证人...
- hostility between capital and labour 劳资冲突...
- Hostis equinus 马口蹄疫病毒...
- Hostis pecoris 牛口蹄疫病毒...
- Hostom automatic spooling program 霍斯特姆自动假脱机程序...
- hot abscess 热性脓肿...
- hot air 吹牛...
- hot air drying oven 热气干燥箱,热气烘箱,干烤箱...
- hot air duct 热空气导管...
- hot air oven 热气灭菌器,干烤箱...
- hot air spraying 热喷涂...
- hot air treatment 热空气疗法...
- hot and strong 猛烈地...
- hot atom 热原子...
- hot atom annealing 热原子退火...
- hot atom chemistry 热原子化学...
- hot atom reaction 热原子反应...
- hot atoms 反冲原子;热原子...
- hot bath 热水浴(37-44摄氏度)...
- hot bench 热庭...
- hot blast 热风...
- hot blast cupola 热风熔铁炉...
- hot blast heater 热风炉...
- hot blast stove 热风炉...
- hot box binder 热匣粘结剂...
- hot box core blower 热匣砂心吹制机...
- hot box process 热匣法...
- hot break juicing 热榨;热榨汁...
- hot breakdown 热打浆...
- hot bulb 热球...
- hot bulb arrangement 热球装置...
- hot bulb engine 热球式发动机,半笛塞尔机...
- hot carrier 热载子...
- hot carriers 热载子...
- hot casting crack 热铸裂...
- hot cathode 热阴极...
- hot cell 热室...
- hot chamber 热室...
- hot chamber die casting machine 热室压铸机...
- hot coated process 热敷法...
- hot compress 热敷布;热敷法...
- hot crack 热裂...
- hot crack(ing) 热裂;热裂纹...
- hot cross bun head 臀形头...
- hot cross bun skull 臀状头...
- hot deformation 热变形...