- deciding factor 决定因素...
- deciding vote 裁定票,决定票...
- decision by majority 多数议决,过半数的表决...
- decision in a case 定案,案件判决...
- decision of bankruptcy 破产裁判...
- decision of the court 法院判决...
- decision reversed 撤销判决,废弃判决...
- decision-making body 决策机构...
- decision-making power 自主权...
- decision-making power of enterprises 企业自主权...
- decision-making processes 决策程序...
- decisive evidence 确证...
- decisive factor 决定性因素...
- decisive oath 决定性的宣誓...
- decisive vote 决定性投票...
- deck clause 舱面条款...
- deck risk 舱面险...
- declarable 须报关纳税的,可申报的...
- declarant n.申报者,申请归化美国者申诉人,供述人...
- declaration against interest 不利的供述...
- declaration concerning rights 关于权利的声明...
- declaration in course of 履行...职责的申述...
- declaration of accepatnce of office 就职宣告...
- declaration of adjudication 判决公告...
- declaration of alienage 放弃国籍声明,取得他国国籍声明...
- declaration of association 宣告联合,宣告结社,结社宣言...
- declaration of births 申报出生...
- declaration of blockade 封锁宣告...
- declaration of death 死亡宣告,宣告死亡...
- declaration of disappearance 失踪声明,宣告失踪...
- declaration of dividends 通知分红...
- declaration of forfeiture 没收公告...
- declaration of human rights 人权宣言...
- declaration of insolvency 无偿付能力的声明...
- declaration of intention 动机宣言...
- declaration of interdiction 宣告禁治产...
- declaration of man and the citizen 人权宣言...
- declaration of neutrality 宣告中立...
- declaration of paris 巴黎宣言...
- declaration of rights 权利宣言,民权宣言...
- declaration of secrecy 保密宣言...
- declaration of truce 宣告停战或休战,宣告停止...
- declaration of use 取得用益权的申诉,声明取得用益权...
- declaration of war 宣战...
- declaratory doctrine of recognition 承认宣告说...
- declaratory judgements 确认判决...
- declaratory statute 解释性法规...
- declare vt.宣布,声明,申报,断言vi.宣布,...
- declare contract avoided 宣告契约无效...
- declare in default 诉讼当事人的缺席宣告...
- declare off 宣布取消宣告作罢,取消...
- declare sb. a lunatic 宣告某人为精神病患者...
- declare sb. guilty 宣布某人有罪,定罪...
- declare sth. null 宣告无效...
- declare the ballot closed 宣布投票结束...
- declare value 申报价值...
- declare vote closed 宣告表决结束...
- declartaion concerning pedigree 关于家系声明...
- decommission or demobiliation 复员费...
- decomposed body 腐败尸体...
- deconcentration n.分散,排除集中分治制,分散权力...
- decoy letter 诱使他人上当的信件...
- decrease n.减少,减少量vt.减少vi.减少减少...
- decrease of purchase price 减少购买的价金...
- decreasing term insurance 逐渐减少的定期保险...
- decree a mensa et thoro 判决分居令...
- decree a punishment 判刑...
- decree absolute 绝对判决...
- decree an amnesty 颁布大赦...
- decree for pardon 赦令,赦书...
- decree in effect 现行法令...
- decree law 法令...
- decree nisi 非绝对判决...
- decree of court 法院的判决...
- decree of foreclosure absolute 绝对禁止回赎判决...
- decree of insolvency 财产不足支付的判决...
- decree of nullity of marriage 宣告婚姻无效的判决...
- decreta 裁决...
- decretal order 告示令...
- decretive a.法令的,法令性的法令的,命令的,有法...
- decretory 有法令效力的...
- decretum gratiani 格拉奇教令...
- decriminalization 非刑事化,非罪刑化,合法化...
- dedication of way 公共通行权的设定...
- dedimus potestatem 权力已经授与...
- dedition 放弃,遗弃,让与...
- deduce vt.推论,演绎出推断,推出,演绎...
- deduce from 推断...从...推断(推出)......
- deductive a.推论的,演绎的推定的,推断的,演绎的...
- dedution 扣除,折扣,扣除额...