- abutting owner 毗邻房地产所有者...
- abyssal a.深不可测的,深海的海底深处的,深渊的...
- abyssal benthic zone 深渊地带...
- abyssal regiion 深海区...
- ac etiam 同样...
- academic body 学术团体...
- academic degrees regutions 学位条例...
- academic discussion 学术讨论...
- academic freedom 学术自由...
- academic interpretation 文理解释...
- academic qualification 学历...
- academic rank 学衔...
- academic records 学历...
- academic status 学籍...
- academic title 学衔...
- academic training 正视业务训练...
- academic world 学术界...
- acceding state 参加国...
- accept a complaint 受理控诉...
- accept a draft 承兑汇票...
- accept and hear a case 受理案件...
- accept bail 准许保释...
- accept insurance 承保...
- accept sb's bid 接受某人投标...
- acceptance for commission 承兑手续费...
- acceptance house 承兑商号...
- acceptance in bank 空白承兑,不记名承兑...
- acceptance in default 受领迟延...
- acceptance invoice 承兑交单...
- acceptance object 标的之受领...
- acceptance of a judgment 接受判决...
- acceptance of abandonment 接受委付...
- acceptance of appointment 应聘,应聘书...
- acceptance of bribes 受贿...
- acceptance of delivery 接受转让...
- acceptance of offer 承诺,接受损赠...
- acceptance of portest 接受抗议书,接受抗辩...
- acceptance of punishment 接受处罚...
- acceptance of service 接受送达,接受传票...
- acceptance of succession 接受继承...
- accepted cheque 保付支票...
- acceptee 被接受人,被承兑人,接受承诺人...
- acceptilation 减免债务...
- access clerk 贵重物品保管处的保管员...
- access to market 进入市场...
- access to the sea 通往海洋,出入海洋...
- accession claim 附属要求...
- accession contract 从契约,附属契约...
- accession debtor 从属债务人...
- accession law 辅助性的法律...
- accession obligation 从义务,从债...
- accession of property 财产的继承,财产的增加...
- accession of sovereign 王位的继承...
- accession of territory 领土的扩张...
- accession of wealth 财富的增加...
- accession offender 从犯...
- accession punishment 从刑,附加刑...
- accession right 从权利...
- accession risk 事故保险,意外保险,附加险...
- accession things 从物...
- accession to a treaty 加入同盟,加入条约...
- accession to an estate 继承产业...
- accession to sovereignty 成为主权国家...
- accession trust 从属信托...
- accessory act 从犯行为,从行为...
- accessory after the fact 事后从犯...
- accessory before the fact 事前从犯...
- accessory charactor 从属性质,从属人物...
- accessory charges 额外费用,附加指控...
- accessory during the fact 作案时的从犯,在场从犯...
- accessory to a crime 帮凶,从犯,同谋犯...
- accessory to adultery 唆使配偶一方通奸者...
- accident at sea 海上事故,海难...
- accident boat 救生艇...
- accident case 意外事故案件...
- accident collision 意外碰撞...
- accident compensation 意外事故损害赔偿...
- accident death 意外死亡...
- accident enquiry 事故调查...
- accident leave 意外事故放假...
- accident medical reimbursement insurance 意外事故医疗费保险...
- accident policy 意外险保险单...
- accident records 意外事故记录,意外事故档案...
- accidental a.意外的,偶然的,非主要的,附属的n....
- accidental cause 不能预见的结果...
- accidental criminal 过失刑事犯...
- accidental destruction 意外毁损,事故毁损...
- accidental force 不可抗力...
- accidental injury 意外伤害过失伤害...
- accidental killing 意外杀害,过失致人于死...