- date of record 记录日期,注册登记日...
- date of registration 登记日期...
- date of service 送达日期...
- date of severance 退伙日...
- date of shipment 装船日期...
- date of survey 检验日期...
- date of term 日期条款...
- date of the filing of the suit 起诉之日...
- date of trade 交割日期...
- date of value 起息日期...
- date paid 付讫日期...
- date processing 资料处理,数据处理...
- date saved 保存日期保存日期...
- date stamp 日期戳...
- date sugar 椰枣糖...
- date type 日期类型日期类型...
- date unit 日期单位日期单位...
- date-compiled paragraph 编译日期段...
- date-time code 日期-时间代码...
- dated draft 定期汇票...
- dated earned surplus 注明日期的已获盈余(营业盈余)...
- dated stock 固定日期债券...
- Datel circuit 得泰尔线路,用户数据传输线路...
- dating back 提前填日期...
- dating retained earnings 在留存盈余后标注日期...
- dating routine 记日期程序...
- dating subroutine 记日期子程序...
- datio in solutum 代物清偿...
- dative bond 配价键...
- dative executor 法院指派的遗嘱执行人...
- Dattner's needle 达德纳氏针(一种套管针,用以作腰椎穿刺)...
- datum line 基准线...
- datum mark 基准点...
- datum node 参考节点...
- datum plane 基准面假设零位面基准水平面...
- datum point 基准点...
- datum setting 基准线确定...
- datum temperature 基准温度...
- datum vertex 参考顶点...
- Datura alba Nees 白花曼陀罗,光曼陀罗...
- Datura fastuosa L. 白花曼陀罗...
- Datura ferox 多刺曼陀罗...
- Datura L. 曼陀罗属...
- Datura meteloides Dunal 香曼陀罗...
- Datura sanguinea 红花曼陀罗...
- datura seed 曼陀罗子...
- daturic acid 十七酸;十七烷酸...
- dau de havelle 次氯酸盐消毒液...
- daub coat 漆革第一层涂料;底色...
- Daubenton's angle 多邦通氏角(枕角)...
- Daubenton's line 多邦通氏线(由枕骨大孔前缘中点至枕骨大孔...
- Daubenton's plane 多邦通氏平面(后头眶下平面)...
- Daucus L. 胡萝卜属...
- daughter board 子插件板...
- daughter cells 子细胞...
- daughter chromatid 子染色半体...
- daughter chromosome 子染色体...
- daughter colony 子菌落...
- daughter company 子公司...
- daughter cyst 子囊...
- daughter ion 子离子...
- daughter nuclei 子核...
- daughter nuclide 子体核素...
- daughter redia 子雷蚴...
- daughter sporocyst 子包蚴...
- daughter star 子星体...
- daughter tumor 子瘤...
- daughter wreath 双星体...
- daurian sisel 振动疗法...
- Davaine's bacillus 戴文氏杆菌,炭疽杆菌...
- Davainea madagascariensis 马达加斯加戴文氏绦虫...
- Davainea proglottina 节戴文氏绦虫,舌形斧钩绦虫...
- Davainea taiwana 台湾戴文氏绦虫...
- Davallia tenuifolia 乌蕨,乌韭...
- Davat's operation 达瓦氏手术(治精索静脉曲张)...
- Davenport's staining 达文波特氏镀银染色法...
- David and Jonathan 莫逆之交...
- David's disease 戴维氏病(脊椎结核病,龈及粘膜大量出血)...
- Davidoff's cells 达维多夫氏细胞(在肠腺的底部)...
- Davidsohn differentia butter 达维逊氏区分试验(检传染性单核细胞增多症...
- Davidsohn presumptive butter 达维逊氏推定试验(检传染性单核细胞增多症...
- Davidsohn's sign 达维逊氏征(上颌窦积液或瘤的一种体征)...
- Davidson syringe 达维逊氏注射器(舒缩注射器)...
- Davidson's reflex 达维逊氏反射,瞳孔透光反射...
- Davidson's syringe 达维逊氏注射器,舒缩注射器...
- Daviel's operation 达维耳氏手术(晶状体囊切开术,治眼内障)...
- Daviel's spoon 达维耳氏匙,晶状体匙...
- Davies-Colley operation 戴-科二氏手术(畸形足矫正术)...
- Davis cast-base crown 戴维斯氏铸基冠...
- Davis crown 戴维斯氏冠(利用冠桩固定于牙冠及牙根上的...