- court of private land claims 私人土地申诉法院...
- court of probate 遗嘱检验法院,遗嘱认证法院...
- court of probate and divorce 遗嘱检验和离婚法院...
- court of protection 保护法庭...
- court of quarter sessions 值季法庭,按季开审法庭...
- court of record 记录法庭...
- court of request 小额债权法院,债权法院...
- court of review 复审法庭,上诉法院...
- court of second hearing 第二审法庭...
- court of second instance 第二审法院...
- court of session 最高民事法院...
- court of special jurisdiction 专案裁判庭,特别裁判庭...
- court of special sessions 地方刑事法庭...
- court of special statutory jurisdiction 特种司法权的法院...
- court of staple 市场法庭,商业中心法庭...
- court of star chamber 星室法院...
- court of summary jurisdiction 简易审判庭,即决裁判庭...
- court of survsy 验船上诉法庭,船舶检查法庭...
- court of the coroner 死因调查法庭...
- court of the union 联合法院...
- court order 法庭秩序,法院命令...
- court party 执政党...
- court plaster 鱼胶硬膏...
- court policeman 法警...
- court proceeding 审判程序...
- court record 法院记录,法庭记录...
- court registrar 法院注册官,法庭登记员...
- court resolution 法庭判决,法庭裁决...
- court sb's approval 企图获得某人的赞同...
- court seat 法庭席...
- court seized of the case 受理案件的法院...
- court sentence 法庭判决...
- court session 开庭期...
- court structure 法院组织机构,法院系统...
- court summons 法院传票...
- court trust 法庭信托...
- court warrant 法庭令状...
- court writ 法院令...
- court-martial jurisdiction 军事法院管辖,军事法院司法权...
- courtesy copy 抄件...
- courtesy of england 财产享有权...
- Courtois sign 库土瓦氏征(昏迷病人的一种体征)...
- courts act 法院法...
- courts of law 法庭,法院,普通法院...
- courts of pie power 墟市法院...
- Courvoisier's gallbladder 库瓦济埃氏胆囊(胆道阻塞引起的膨胀的胆囊...
- Courvoisier's law 库瓦济埃氏定律...
- Courvoisier's sign 库瓦济埃氏征...
- Courvoisier-Terrier syndrome 库-太二氏综合征(法特氏壶腹瘤梗塞征)...
- Coutard's method 库塔氏法(X线照射)...
- Couton's disease 库顿氏病,库塔结核性椎关节强硬...
- Couvelaire uterus 库弗莱尔氏子宫(胎盘剥离性子宫猝出血)...
- Cova's point 科瓦氏点(孕妇患肾盂时腰肋角处的压痛点)...
- covalent bond 共价键共价键...
- covalent complex 共价配位化合物;共价络合物...
- covalent compound 共价化合物...
- covalent coordination bond 共价配位键...
- covalent crystal 共价晶体...
- covalent formula 共价式...
- covalent hydride 共价氢化物...
- covalent link 共价键...
- covalent link(age) 共价键...
- covalent linkage 共价键...
- covalent molecule 共价分子...
- covalent radius 共价半径...
- covalent ring structure 共价环状结构...
- covalently closed circular DNA 共价闭环DNA...
- covalently linked 以共价键联系的...
- covariance matrix 历方差矩阵,协变矩阵...
- covariance sequences 协方差序列...
- covariance stationary process 协方差平稳过程...
- covariant vector 协变向量,协变矢量...
- cove lighting 隐蔽照明...
- cove plane 波动面(心电图的)...
- cove-plane T wave 拱-直形T波...
- covenant for further assurance 再担保契约...
- covenant for title 所有权契约...
- covenant not to sue 不起诉合约...
- covenant of the leaue of nations 国际联盟盟约...
- covenant of warranty 担保契约,保证书...
- covenant running with land 遂土地转移的契约...
- Cowdie gum 考代树脂(产自新西兰)...
- Cowdria ruminantium 反刍动物考德里氏体...
- Cowgill's salt mixture 寇吉耳氏盐合剂...
- cowhorn forceps 牛角钳...
- Cowie's guaiac butter 考伊氏愈创木脂试验(检粪血)...
- Cowie's test 考伊氏试验,愈创木脂试验(检粪血)...
- cowles furnace 考莱斯电炉...
- Cowling's rule 考林氏规则(计算小儿用药量法)...
- cown cutting 下向铣切...