- be on one's good behavior 举动规矩,行为检点...
- be on one's high horse 趾高气扬...
- be on one's honour to do sth 道义上有责任做某事...
- be on one's honour to do sth. 道义上有责任做...
- be on one's mettle 鼓起勇气...
- be on one's uppers 穿着破旧的鞋子,一贫如洗,处于困境...
- be on parole 宣誓后被释放,被假释...
- be on sb's back 嘲笑/指责(某人),打扰/惹恼(某人)...
- be on sb's track 追踪着某人,掌握着某人行为的线索,掌握着...
- be on sb.'s back 嘲笑某人,打搅某人...
- be on sentry 站岗,执行步哨勤务...
- be on short commons 吃不饱...
- be on speaking terms 关系好,只是泛泛之交,相适应...
- be on tenterhooks 提心吊胆,焦虑不安,如坐针毡...
- be on the advance 在上涨中...
- be on the ball 在精力充沛地行动,知情,内行...
- be on the bench 当法官,当主教,坐冷板凳当法官...
- be on the cushion 景况优裕...
- be on the door 守门,门口值勤...
- be on the downgrade 每况愈下,降低等级,降低级别,降低工资,...
- be on the drink 酗酒...
- be on the hedge 骑墙,耍两面派...
- be on the loose 无拘束,散漫,逍遥法外,放荡,寻欢作乐...
- be on the market 被供应出售...
- be on the mike 偷懒,呆儿郎当...
- be on the muscle 准备动武,准备蛮干...
- be on the rack 受酷刑,受折磨,极度不安...
- be on the ragged edge 几乎失去自制,濒于精神失常...
- be on the rates 领取公共救济金...
- be on the razzle 狂欢...
- be on the receiving end 接受别人的礼物,成为攻击目标...
- be on the right tack 方针正确...
- be on the rope 用绳系在一起...
- be on the scent 追踪着,探究着...
- be on the sick list 害着病...
- be on the spree 在狂欢中...
- be on the stick 警觉...
- be on the straight 品行端正...
- be on the strength 编在士兵册上...
- be on the tiles 寻欢作乐...
- be on the tiptoe of expectation 翘首以待,殷切期望...
- be on the track of sb 追踪着某人,掌握着某人行为的线索,掌握着...
- be on the track of sb. 追踪着某人,掌握着某人的线索...
- be on the upswing 正在高涨...
- be on the warpath 准备作战,开始作战,正在作战,准备争吵,...
- be on the watch (对...)留神着,(对...)戒备着...
- be on the wrong tack 方针错误...
- be on thorns 如坐针毡...
- be on ticket-of-leave 获准假释在外...
- be on to 意识到,找...岔子...
- be on vacation 在度假期...
- be on visiting terms with 和...有交往...
- be on wires 紧张,极度兴奋...
- be one's own enemy 害自己...
- be one's own man 不受他人控制...
- be one's own master 独立...
- be one-up on sb 胜某人一筹,胜...一筹,占...的上风...
- be oneself 处于正常状态,显得自然,显得真诚,身心健...
- be only skin and bone 瘦得皮包骨...
- be only skin and bones 瘦得皮包骨...
- be open and aboveboard 光明磊落的...
- be open to 对...开放,愿接受...的...
- be open to conviction 愿意服理...
- be opposed to 反对...,与...相对...
- be opposed to sth 与某事物相对立,反对某事物...
- be opposite to 与...相对/反...
- be out at elbows (衣服)破损得露出肘部,(喻)(人)穷困...
- be out for 力图要...
- be out for sb's blood 一心要伤害某人...
- be out for the count 拳击中被判为输,失去知觉...
- be out in one's reckoning 计算错误,估计错误...
- be out in the cold 被冷遇,受冷落...
- be out like light 醉得不省人事,被击昏,昏睡...
- be out of a situation 失去职业...
- be out of all relation to 与...极不相称...
- be out of balance 不平衡...
- be out of employ 失业...
- be out of employment 失业...
- be out of form 竞技状态不好...
- be out of luck 运气不好...
- be out of one's head 发疯,神经错乱,神志不清...
- be out of one's mind 精神不正常...
- be out of patience with 对...没耐心...
- be out of pocket 赔钱...
- be out of puff 上气不接下气...
- be out of register 对得不齐...
- be out of sb's domain 非(某人)所长...
- be out of style 不合时式,不时髦...
- be out of the common run 不平常,不普通,不同凡响...
- be out of the fashion 不合时尚...