- balance of exchange 汇兑余额...
- balance of external payments 对外支付差额...
- balance of financial revenue and expenditure 财政(务)收支平衡,收支结余...
- balance of forces 均势...
- balance of heat 热平衡...
- balance of interests 利益均衡...
- balance of international in debtedness 国际贷款差额,国际债务余额...
- balance of international payments 国际收支平衡表,国际收支差额...
- balance of invisible trade 无形贸易收支差额...
- balance of l/c opened and received 信用证开立与收到的差额...
- balance of payment 国际收支差额...
- balance of payment adjustments 国际收支调整...
- balance of payment deficit 国际收支逆差...
- balance of payments 国际收支(表)收支平衡,收支差额,收支顺...
- balance of payments capital account 国际收支的资本项目...
- balance of payments deficit 收支逆差...
- balance of payments discipline 收支记律...
- balance of payments disequilibria 国际收支不平衡...
- balance of payments on current account 经常项目收支平衡...
- balance of payments position 国际收支状况...
- balance of power 势力均衡...
- balance of probabilities 可能差额...
- balance of profit 利润余额...
- balance of shipment 装船剩下的商品...
- balance of stock 存货(物)余额...
- balance of stock system 永续盘存制,成品盘存制...
- balance of stores records 材料纪录的余额...
- balance of the tax payable 应缴税金的未缴余额...
- balance of trade 贸易差额...
- balance of wheel 平衡轮...
- balance on basis of official reserve transactions 按机方储备结算的国际收支差额...
- balance on goods and services 进出口货物及劳务差额...
- balance on hand 库存余额...
- balance on liquidity 按清偿基础计算的国际收支差额...
- balance order 结欠通知单...
- balance oscillator 平衡振荡器...
- balance output 平衡控式输出...
- balance outsanding 余额,余数...
- balance outstanding 余额,余数,未清余额...
- balance pan 天平盘...
- balance pan arrest 天平盘托...
- balance pipe 平衡管;平衡线...
- balance piston 平衡活塞...
- balance plastometer 何氏可塑计...
- balance point 平衡点...
- balance pointer 天平指针...
- balance print 平衡砂心头...
- balance reading glass 天平读镜...
- balance rest 天平投脚...
- balance ring 平衡环...
- balance ring modulator 平衡环式调制器...
- balance room 天平室...
- balance runner 平衡盘...
- balance scale 天平标尺...
- balance set 平衡组...
- balance shaft 平衡轴...
- Ballet's sign 巴累氏征(突眼性甲状腺肿及癔病征)...
- ballet-dancers' cramp 舞蹈演员痉挛...
- balley test for sulphur 贝力硫试验...
- Balling scale 巴林比重计...
- Ballingall's disease 巴林格耳氏病,足分支菌病...
- Ballingall's disesase 巴林格耳氏病,足分支菌病...
- ballistic computer 弹道计算机...
- ballistic curve 弹道...
- ballistic flight 弹道飞行...
- ballistic galvanometer 冲击电流计...
- ballistic method 冲击法...
- ballistic missile defence system 弹道导弹防卸系统...
- ballistic penduium 弹道摆...
- ballistic pendulum 冲击摆...
- ballistic phase 弹道飞行阶段...
- ballistic throw 冲击幅...
- ballistic trajectory 射击弹导...
- ballon note 最后一次偿付的金额最大的分期偿付期票...
- ballon payment 分期付款中最后一笔特大的偿还款...
- balloon cells 气球样细胞(带状疱疹水疱变性细胞)...
- balloon cover 气球壳...
- balloon cyst 气球样囊肿,气囊...
- balloon dilator 扩张袋...
- balloon disease 高空病...
- balloon fabric 气球布...
- balloon filter 圆滤瓶;素烧圆滤瓶...
- balloon flask 球形烧瓶球形烧瓶...
- balloon hull 气球壳...
- balloon sickness 气球病,高空病...
- balloon tyre 气球胎...
- balloon-system loss preventio 球组防损...
- balloonflower root 桔梗...
- ballooning colliquation 肿大性液化...
- ballot box 投票箱投票箱...