- aryl radical 芳烃基;芳香烃基...
- aryl residue 芳烃基;芳香烃基...
- aryl substiuted 芳基取代了的...
- aryl sulfonyl chloride 芳基磺酰氯...
- aryl thiourea 芳基硫尿...
- arylarsinic acids 芳胂酸...
- arylarsonic acid 芳[香族]基胂酸...
- arylated alkyl 芳脂基...
- arylating agent 芳基化剂...
- arylmethane dye 芳甲烷染料...
- arylmethane dyes 芳甲烷染料...
- aryloxy acetic acid 芳氧基乙酸...
- aryloxy compound 芳氧基化合物...
- arylsulfamic acids 芳换氨基硫酸...
- arytaenoidea cartilago 杓状软骨...
- arytenoid glands 杓状腺...
- arytenoid swelling 披裂突...
- Arzberger apparatus 阿茨伯格氏器(直肠管)...
- Arzberger's pear 梨形直肠施冷器...
- as a consequence 因此,结果是...
- as a consequence of 由于...,因为......
- as a consequence of... 由于......
- as a general rule 一般地,大体上,总的来看...
- as a last resource 作为最后一着...
- as a man 一致地,如同一人地,就他个人的品德而言...
- As a man sows,so he shall reap 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆...
- as a matter of fact 事实上...
- as a result 结果...
- as a result of 作为结果...
- as a result of... 由于...,作为...的结果...
- as a rule 通常...
- as a shot 作为猜测...
- as a token of 作为...的标志...
- as a whole 总体上...
- as affected by 受...影响...
- as against 与...相对照...
- as agreed 按照合同,照约定...
- as agreed l/u 经首席承保人同意...
- as agreed upon 根据协议,根据合约...
- as amended 修正案,修订本...
- as anything 象什么似的,非常猛地,拼命地...
- as appropriate 视情况而定,酌情...
- as bald as a coot 头发脱光的...
- as best as one can 尽最大努力...
- as best one can 尽最大努力...
- as best one may 尽最大努力...
- as big as life 与原物一样大...
- as big as shot 飞快地...
- as black as night 漆黑...
- as black as one's hat 墨黑的...
- as blind as a bat 有眼无珠...
- as blind as an owl 瞎透了...
- as bold as brass 厚颜无耻的...
- as broad as long 长宽相等的,无区别的...
- as busy as a bee 极忙碌...
- as by law enacted 按制定的法律...
- as cast 翻砂毛胚...
- as cheap as dirt 极便宜的...
- as clean as a whistle 光滑,洁净...
- as clear as a bell 健全的...
- as clear as crystal 象水晶一样明澈,(喻)极其明白...
- as clear as day 一清二楚的...
- as clear as noon 一清二楚...
- as clear as the sun at noonday 一清二楚...
- as cold as death 冷得要死...
- as compared with 与...比较...
- as concerns 关于...
- as concerns that matter I should like to say... 关于那件事,我想说...
- as contracted 按照合同,照约定...
- as contrasted with... 与...相对照,而......
- as cool as a cucumber 极为冷静...
- as cross as two sticks 非常生气...
- as dark as night 漆黑...
- as dead as a dodo 毫无生气,死气沉沉...
- as defined by... 按...确定...
- as defined in article 按第...条所规定...
- as different as chalk and cheese 根本不同,完全不同...
- as drunk as a boiled owl 烂醉如泥...
- as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉...
- as drunk as a sow 酩酊大醉...
- as dry as a chip 枯燥的...
- as dry as sawdust 枯燥乏味...
- as easy as pie 极容易...
- as easy as rolling off a log 极容易...
- as expiry 照旧续保...
- as far as 远到,直到,至于...
- as far as I know 就我所知...
- as far as I'm concerned 我认为,就我来说...
- as far as in me lies 尽我的力量...
- as far as it goes 就现状来说...