- applying of cutting oils 应用切削油...
- appoint an expert 指定鉴定人...
- appoint of agent 指定代理店...
- appoint under a will 依遗嘱指定...
- appointed arbitrator 指定仲裁人,任命公断人...
- appointed bank 指定银行...
- appointed day 指定日期...
- appointed foreign exchange bank 指定银行...
- appointed store 特约商店,指定商店...
- appointed surveyor 指定检验人...
- appointing country 派遣国...
- appointing officer 任命的官员...
- appointment and dismissal 任免...
- appointment call 特别呼唤...
- appointment of agent 代理人的指定...
- appointment of an adjuster 理算人的指定...
- appointment of arbitrator 仲裁人的任命...
- appointment of counsel 辩护人的指定...
- appointment of curator 保证人的选任,临时监护人的选任...
- appointment of guardian 监护人的选任...
- appointment of trustee 受托人的指定...
- appointment on agreement 订约聘用...
- appointment on probation 试用...
- appointment on secondment 调用,借用,借调...
- appointment on transfer 调任职位...
- appointment power 任命权...
- appointment scheduler 计划预定表...
- Appolito's operation 阿波利托氏手术(肠缝术)...
- Appolito's suture 阿波利托氏连续缝术...
- apportion model 分配模型...
- apportioned amount 分派额,分摊额...
- apportioned charges 已分摊费用...
- apportioned cost 已分摊成本...
- apportioned factory overhead expense 间接费用分配(摊)额...
- apportioned fixed cost 已分配的固定成本...
- apportioned tax 已分摊税金...
- apportioning depreciation 分摊折旧...
- apportioning to cost centers 分配到成本中心...
- apportionment clause 分担条款...
- apportionment of damages 损害赔偿的分摊...
- apportionment of income 收益的分配...
- apportionment of liability 责任分担...
- apportionment of profit 盈余分配...
- apportionment of shares 股票分配...
- apporximation function 近似函数...
- apposition suture 对合缝术...
- apposition theory 外积学说...
- appositional growth 外积生长,外加生长...
- appositional pattern 沉积型...
- appraisal capital 估价资本...
- appraisal clause 估价条款...
- appraisal company 估价公司...
- appraisal cost 鉴定成本...
- appraisal increase 估计增值...
- appraisal increment 重估增值...
- appraisal meeting 评议会,评估会议...
- appraisal method of depreciation 折旧的估价法...
- appraisal of business 商业(企业)估价...
- appraisal of damage 估损...
- appraisal of plant assets 工厂资产的估价...
- appraisal of quality 质量鉴定...
- appraisal of real estate 不动产估价,房地产估价...
- appraisal price 估价...
- appraisal report 估价报告...
- appraisal surplus 估价盈余(公积)...
- appraisal value 估定价值...
- appraise by expert 专家鉴定,鉴定人的鉴定...
- appraised entry 估价分录...
- appraised price 估定价格...
- appraised value 估定价值...
- appreciable proportion 适当比例...
- appreciated value 增涨价值...
- appreciation account 增值帐户...
- appreciation in asset value 资产增值...
- appreciation of a currency 货币升值...
- appreciation of capital 资本增值...
- appreciation of fixed assets 固定资产增值...
- appreciation of market prices 市价升值...
- appreciation on investments 投资增值...
- appreciation surplus 增值盈余,涨价盈余...
- apprehend danger 觉察危险...
- apprehended distress 已扣押的扣押品...
- apprent position 显然位置...
- apprentice en la ley 学法律的学生...
- apprentice worker 学徒工...
- apprenticeship system 培养学徒制度...
- apprenticius ad legem 见习律师,学法律的学生,律师...
- approach a problem 研究一个问题...
- approach a ship 检查船只...
- approach a subject 靠岸,登陆,讨论一个问题...