coke n.可口可乐,焦炭vt.(使)...mag coke 镁焦...activated petroleum coke 活性石油焦...cable method of coke removal 钢缆出焦法...acid coke 酸性焦炭...hard coke 硬质焦炭,硬煤焦...gas coke 煤气焦炭焦炭...furnace coke 冶金焦;冶金焦炭...coke-like 焦状的...coke pushing ram 淬焦车...coke pig 焦炭生铁...charge of coke 焦饼...coke-packed tower 填焦填充塔...fine coke 细炭粉末;焦粉...coke-burning 烧焦(烧去催化剂表面附着的焦质...coke platform 焦(炭)台...cryogenic separation of coke oven gas 焦炉气深度冷冻法...Ramsbottom coke test 兰姆斯残碳试验...coke quenching car 淬焦车 coke 副产焦炭...low-temperature coke 低温焦炭...