cloth n.布料,织品,布布...abrasive cloth 砂布...mackintosh blanket cloth 胶布...cloth brown 布帛棕...wiping cloth 拭布...cloth strainer frame 布滤架...asbestos cloth 石棉布...cloth fast black b 布帛坚牢黑B,蓝光酸性黑...ageing of cloth 布匹之熟化...background of cloth 织物之背面,布裹...waste cloth 废布...cloth-binding n.布面装订,布封面...varnished cloth 漆布...waterproof cloth 防水布...corase cloth 粗布...gauffered cloth 轧纹布...cloth scarlet 布帛猩红...cloth fast yellow 布帛坚牢黄...cloth softening 布帛软化...wire cloth 钢丝布;造纸钢网...cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量入为出...