capacity of having private obligations capacity of having private obligations怎么读,什么意思。承担民事义务的能力... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 610 【法】 承担民事义务的能力字博缘文学网在线英汉词典
capacity n.容量,能力,才能,资格容量 零点电容...absorption capacity 吸收本领...absolute capacity 绝对容量...capillary moisture capacity 毛细管水份容量...labor capacity 劳动生产力...absorptive capacity 吸收容量...adhesive capacity 胶粘度...ampere-hour capacity 安培小时容量...usful capacity 有效容积 capacity 净载货量...earning capacity value 收益力价值...actual capacity 实际容量...battery capacity 电池容量...oxygen capacity 氧容量...daily capacity 每日产量日产量,日输送量,日产...actual capacity to repay 实际偿还能力...idle capacity loss 闲置生产能力损失,闲置能力损失...capacity for legal transactions 法律行为能力...daily crude capacity 每日加工原料能力...capacity of the accumulator 蓄电池电容量...