act ultra vires
act ultra vires怎么读,什么意思。滥用权力,作出违法的决定...
标签: act ultra vires,用法,音标,短语
- act n.行动,行为,幕,法案vi....
- malicious act 恶意行为...
- vaild act 有效行为...
- act of ommission 懈怠行为,消极行为,不作为...
- act and deed 有法律效力的契据日后证据,证据...
- act against 违反违反...
- act in violation of the stipulation 违犯条约,违约...
- act one's age 举止与年龄相称从事适龄行为...
- act whcih is in fraud of the law 选法诈欺行为...
- act inter vives 生前行为...
- act of commission 委任行为,委托行为,作为...
- act in excess of authority 越权行为...
- act the giddy goat 胡闹...
- act in law 法律上的行为...
- act in violation of regulations 违法行为...
- act of grace 恩赦行为,大赦,特赦...
- act of uniformity 统一礼仪法...
- abstain from an act 不作为...
- terroristic act 恐怖行为...
- act of notary public 公证行为...
- act of bankruptcy 破产法,破产行为...