acquisition and tracking radar acquisition and tracking radar怎么读,什么意思。获得和跟踪电达... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 1000 【电】 获得和跟踪电达英汉词典
acquisition n.获得,获得物收购,招揽,取...acquisition price 购置价格...acquisition of nationality 取得国籍...acquisition of technology 技术获得...acquisition group 获取组...acquisition cost 取得成本,招揽成本,购置成本...acquisition without consideration 无因取得...acquisition radar 获得里达...acquisition of the right to a mark 取得商标权...acquisition of property 取得财产...acquisition probability 占用概率...acquisition time 采集时间取数时间...acquisition of a claim 取得他人的债权...acquisition of assets for cash 现金收购资产 acquisition unit 数据采集器...acquisition of a patent 专利权的取得...acquisition cost theory 取得成本学说...acquisition cession 继受取得...acquisition of chunks 知识块获取...acquisition through purchase of share capital 买入股本以达到收购另一公司的目...acquisition of assets in exchange for shares 以股票收购资产...