


n. 树枝, 支店, 支流, 分部
vi. 分支, 出枝
vt. 分割, 用枝状叶脉刺绣花纹装饰
【计】 分支, 目录分支
【化】 分支; 支路; 支线; 支管; 支流
【医】 支
【经】 分店(公司), 支店, 分支机构
branch out
branch off


branch n 1 arm-like division of a tree, growing from the trunk or from a bough 树枝
He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches. 他爬上树, 藏在树枝後面. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page i. 2 similar division of a river, road, railway or mountain range (河流、公路、铁路或山脉的)类似分支
a branch of the Rhine 莱茵河的支流
[attrib 作定语] a branch line, ie a division of a main railway line, serving country areas 支线(铁路干线通往乡村的分支). 3 subdivision of a family, a subject of knowledge, or a group of languages (家族的)分支; (知识的)分科; (语言的)分系
His uncle´s branch of the family emigrated to Australia. 他的家族中叔父这一支系已移居澳大利亚.
Gynaecology is a branch of medicine. 妇科学是医学的一个分科. 4 local office or shop belonging to a large firm or organization (属於某大公司或机构的)地方办事处或分店
The bank has branches in all parts of the country. 该银行在全国各地设有分行.
[attrib 作定语] a branch post office 邮局的分局. 5 (idm 习语) root and branch => root1. branch, v [I] 1 (of a tree) send out or divide into branches (指树)长出枝, 分出枝杈. 2 (of a road) divide into branches (指道路)分岔
The road branches after the level-crossing. 这条路在经过平面交叉道口後岔开了. 3 (phr v) branch `off (of a vehicle or road) turn from one road into a (usu) smaller one (指车辆或大路)转入或转为(通常为)小路
The car in front of us suddenly branched off to the left. 我们前面的那辆汽车突然转入左边的小路上去了.
The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路. branch `out (into sth) extend or expand one´s activities or interests in a new direction 向新的方向扩展自己的活动或兴趣
The company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to branch out into computers. 该公司开始时专营无线电器材, 现在已决定扩展业务经营计算机了.
She´s leaving the company to branch out on her own. 她打算脱离这家公司, 自己开业.





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