


n. 呼吸, 气息, 瞬间
【医】 呼气, 呵气, 口气, 呼吸
save one's breath
stop sb's breath
take breath
take sb's breath away
with bated breath
under one's breath
short of breath
catch one's breath
hold one's breath
in a breath
in one breath
in the same breath
lose one's breath
out of breath


breath n 1 (a) [U] (also infml 口语亦作 puff) air taken into and sent out of the lungs (呼吸的)空气
You can see people´s breath on a cold day. 冷天能看到人们呼出的空气.
His breath smelt of garlic. 他呼出的气中有蒜味. (b) [C] single act of taking air into the lungs 吸气
take a deep breath, ie fill the lungs with air 深吸一口气. 2 ~ of sth [sing] slight movement of air; gently blowing (空气的)轻微流动; 微风
There wasn´t a breath of air/wind. 一点儿风都没有. 3 ~ of sth [sing] (fig 比喻) slight suggestion or rumour of sth; hint of sth 迹象; 暗示
a breath of scandal 一丝流言蜚语
the first breath of spring 早春的气息. 4 (idm 习语) a breath of fresh air (a) opportunity to breathe clean air, esp out of doors 呼吸新鲜空气的机会(尤指户外). (b) person or thing that is a welcome and refreshing change 带来起色的人或事物
Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office. 她的微笑给沉闷的办公室带来生气. the breath of `life (to/for sb) thing that stimulates or inspires (sb); thing that is necessary (to sb) (某人的)精神支柱; (某人)必不可少的东西
Religion is the breath of life to/for her. 宗教是她不可或缺的精神支柱. catch one´s breath => catch1. draw breath => draw2. draw one´s first/last breath => draw2. get one´s `breath (again/back) return to one´s normal rate of breathing 恢复正常呼吸
It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race. 赛跑後我们用了好几分钟才恢复了正常呼吸. hold one´s `breath stop breathing for a short time (eg during a medical examination or from fear or excitement) 暂时屏住呼吸(如体检时或因恐惧、激动)
How long can you hold your breath for? 你能屏住呼吸多久?
The audience held its/their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope. 杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸. in the same breath => same. lose one´s breath => lose. one´s last/dying `breath last moment of one´s life 临终. (be) out of/short of `breath breathing very quickly (eg after running fast); panting hard 呼吸急促(如快跑以後); 喘不过气来; 上气不接下气
His heart condition makes him sh





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