boom town boom town怎么读,什么意思。新兴城市... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 990 【经】 新兴城市在线英汉词典boom town的短语、例句:boom town town that grows or prospers during a boom (在繁荣时期)兴旺发达起来的城市.
boom n.繁荣,隆隆声vi.急速发展...lower the boom 采取严厉措施,禁止...boom reach 伸臂长度...housing boom 房屋建筑繁荣...boom microphone 吊架微音器...boom period 兴旺时期,繁荣时期...boom sheave 导向滑轮...lower the boom on... 惩罚...,对...采取严厉措...boom crane 吊杆起重机...sonic boom 声爆...spending boom 消费高涨...telescopic boom 伸缩臂...boom point 伸臂末端...lower the boom on 惩罚...population boom 人口爆炸...industrial boom 工业迅速发展,工业繁荣...boom angle 箍用角条...consumption boom 消费高涨...telescopic hoist boom 伸缩式吊臂...microphone boom 微音器档木板...investment boom 投资高涨,投资景气...