bone island 骨岛...a bone of contention 争论的原因...lacrimal bone 泪骨...jugal bone 颧骨...bone n.骨头,骨,骨制品vt.剔骨...ear-bone 听小骨...penis bone 阴茎骨(某些下等动物阴茎海绵体...yoke bone 颧骨颧骨...absolute bone conduction test 绝对骨传导试验(堵塞外耳道所行...back bone 脊柱...sacral bone 骶骨...elbow-bone 尺骨...palate bone 腭骨...zygomatic bone 颧骨...hamate bone 钩骨...have a bone in one's throat 难于启齿...Eysson's bone 艾宋氏骨,颊小骨...accessory bone 附骨(偶见邻接跗或腕骨的小骨)...carry a bone in the mouth 破浪前进...wandering bone 游走骨,浮骨...bone china 骨灰瓷...