beat to the draw
beat to the draw怎么读,什么意思。抢在...前行动...
标签: beat to the draw,用法,音标,短语
- beat n.心跳(声),打,敲打声,拍...
- zero-beat 零拍,零差...
- zero beat 零差,零拍...
- beat about 四处闲逛,四处寻找搜索,迎斜风...
- idioventricular beat 特发性心室搏动...
- off the beat 不合拍...
- beat around the bush 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击,拖延谈及正...
- beat tone 拍音...
- He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick 欲加之罪何患无辞...
- beat frequency oscillator 拍频振荡器...
- beat away 打掉...
- beat-up a.破旧的...
- beat out 敲平,搞清...
- beat receiver 差频接收机...
- beat reception 差频接收法...
- beat one's way 偷搭车...
- heart beat 心搏...
- beat frequency 拍频,差频拍频...
- beat about... 搜索......
- beat down 打倒,镇压,杀价...
- carrier beat 载波拍差...