You cannot eat your cakes and have it You cannot eat your cakes and have it怎么读,什么意思。两者不可兼得... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 1013 两者不可兼得在线英汉词典
you see 你瞧,要知道,你是知道的 你们大家,你 那个东西...young a.年轻的,无经验的,朝气蓬勃...Young Americans for Freedom 美国青年争取自由组织...young and old 老老少少...young blood 年轻人,青春活力,新成员,新鲜...young conditioned connection 新建条件联系...Young experiment 杨实验;杨氏实验...Young Men's Christian Associationm 基督教青年会...Young modulus 杨氏模量...young prisoner 青少年犯...Young Women's Christian Association 基督教女青年会...Young's hypothesis 杨氏假说(色觉)...Young's modulus 杨氏系数...Young's operation 扬氏手术(前列腺穿孔切除术,精...Young's rule 扬氏[小儿药量计算]规则(将小...Young's Schutz's 扬氏[小儿药量计算]规则(将小...Young's syndrome 扬氏综合征(延髓型肌萎缩性脊髓...Young's test 杨格氏试验(检内障)...Young-Helmholtz theory 扬-黑二氏学说(色觉关系于视网...