


a. 错误的, 不正当的, 失常的
ad. 错误地
【法】 过失, 过错行为, 错误; 不正当的, 不法的, 邪恶的; 伤害, 冤枉, 屈待
be wrong in the head
lead sb wrong
wrong sb out of sth
be in the wrong
do sb wrong
do wrong
get in wrong with sb
get sb in wrong
get it wrong
go wrong
to know right from wrong
on the wrong side of
put sb in the wrong
There is nothing wrong with...
What's wrong with...?


wrong adj 1 ~ (to do sth) not morally right; unjust 不道德的; 不正当的; 不义的
It is wrong to steal. 偷窃是不道德的.
You were wrong to take the car without permission. 你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的.
He told me he had done nothing wrong. 他告诉我说他没做任何不正当的事. Cf 参看 right1 1. 2 (a) not true or correct 不确实的; 不正确的; 错误的
He did the sum but got the wrong answer/got the answer wrong. 他做了这道算术题, 但答案错了.
Her estimate of the cost was completely wrong. 她估计的费用完全不正确. (b) [pred 作表语] (of a person) mistaken (指人)出错, 有错误
Am I wrong in thinking (ie Do you agree) that it is getting colder? 天气越来越冷了, 对吧?
Can you prove that I am wrong? 你能证实我错了吗?
That´s where you´re wrong. 在这一点上你错了.
Thousands of satisfied customers can´t be wrong, so why don´t you try our new washing-powder? 我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意, 成千上万的人不可能都错了, 您也不妨试一试好吗? 3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] not required, suitable or the most desirable 不合要求的; 不适合的; 并非最合意的
You´re doing it the wrong way. 你做的方法不当.
We discovered that we were on the wrong train. 我们发觉上错了火车.
The police arrested the wrong man. 警方逮错了人.
We came the wrong way/took a wrong turning. 我们来时走错了路[拐错了弯].
I´m afraid you´ve got the wrong number, ie on the telephone. 很抱歉, 您拨错电话号码了.
You´re wearing your jumper the wrong way round, ie The part that should be at the front is at the back. 你的毛衣前後穿反了.
He´s the wrong man for the job. 他不适合做这项工作.
They live on the wrong side of town, ie the part that is socially less desirable. 他们住在镇上环境较差的那边(社会地位较低的人住的).
I realized that I had said the wrong thing when I saw her reaction. 我一看到她的反应就意识到我说话不当.
Their decision proved to be wrong. 他们的决定证实是错误的. 4 [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb/sth) (a) in a bad condition (and not working properly) 有故障; 有毛病
What´s wrong (ie What is the problem) with the engine? It´s making an awful noise. 发动机出什麽故障了? 噪音太大了.
There´s something wrong with my eyes -- I can´t see properly. 我眼睛有毛病了--看不清楚了. (b) not as it should be 不正常
Is anything wrong? You look ill. 怎麽了? 你脸色不好.
What´s wrong with you? 你哪儿不舒服?
What´s wrong with telling the truth? ie How can it be criticized? 说实话有什麽不对? 5 (idm 习语) back the wrong horse => back4. bark up the wrong tree => bark2. be born on the wrong side of the blanket => born. catch sb on the wrong foot => catch1. do the right/wrong thing => thing. from/on the ,wrong side of the `tracks (US) living in an area (of a town, etc) which is regarded as socially inferior 住在(城镇等中的)社会地位低的人住的地区. get on the right/wrong side of sb => side1. get (hold of) the ,wrong end of the `stick (infml 口) misunderstand completely what has been said (对听到的话)完全误解
You´ve got the wrong end of the stick; he doesn´t owe me money, I owe him! 你完全听错了, 他没欠我钱, 是我欠 他的钱! have got out of bed on the wrong side => bed1. hit/strike the right/wrong note => note1. not far off/out/wrong => far2. on the right/wrong side of forty, fifty, etc => side1. rub sb up the wrong way => rub2. start off on the right/wrong foot => start2. ,wrong side `out turned, changed, etc so that the normally inner side is facing outwards 里面被翻转成外面
You´ve got your sweater on wrong side out. 你穿的毛衣里儿冲外了. wrong, adv (used after vs 用於动词之後) 1 in a wrong manner or direction; mistakenly; with incorrect results 方式或方向错误; 错误地; 结果错误
You guessed wrong. 你猜错了.
You´ve spelt my name wrong. 你把我的名字拼错了.
He played the tune all wrong. 他演奏的曲调全错了. Cf 参看 wrongly. 2 (idm 习语) get sb `wrong (infml 口) misunderstand sb 误会或误解某人
Please don´t get me wrong, I´m not criticizing you. 请不要误解我, 我并不是批评你. go `wrong (a) make a mistake 犯错误; 做错事
If you read the instructions, you´ll see where you went wrong. 你要是看一下说明书就知道你错在哪儿了.
You can´t go wrong (ie You will surely succeed) with our new carpet cleaner. 使用我们新型的地毯吸尘器绝对不会出错. (b) (of a machine) stop working properly (指机器)出故障, 出毛病
The television has gone wrong again. 电视机又出毛病了. (c) experience trouble 遇到麻烦; 出现问题
Their marriage started to go wrong when he got a job abroad. 他找到一份在国外的工作, 他们的婚姻就在那时开始出现问题.
The experiment went disastrously wrong, ie progressed in an unexpected way with very unpleasant results. 这个试验出了大问题. put a foot wrong => foot1. wrong, n 1 [U] what is wrong 坏事; 过失; 罪恶
He doesn´t know the difference between right and wrong. 他不懂是非.
She could do no wrong (ie do nothing wrong) in the opinion of her devoted followers. 那些忠实於她的人都认为她不会做坏事. 2 [C] (fml 文) unjust action; injustice 不义的行为; 不公正的事
They have done us a great wrong. 他们对待我们十分不公正.
She complained of the wrongs she had suffered. 她投诉说她受到委屈.3 (idm 习语) in the `wrong in the position of being responsible for a mistake, an offence, a quarrel, etc (在犯错误、 犯罪、 吵架等方面)负有责任或应受责备
He admitted that he was in the wrong, ie that the fault was his. 他承认是他的错.
They tried to put me in the wrong, ie to make it seem that the fault, error, etc was mine. 他们想把错误栽给我. the rights and wrongs of sth => right3. ,two ,wrongs ,don´t make a `right (saying 谚) you cannot justify a wrong action by saying that sb else has done sth similar or that sb has done sth wrong to you 两个错不等於其中一个对(自己做了错事不能说别人也是这样做的来为自己辩护). wrong, v (fml 文) 1 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] do wrong to (sb); treat (sb) unjustly or badly 对待(某人)不公正; 使(某人)受到委屈
a wronged wife 受委屈的妻子. 2 [Tn] judge (sb) unfairly; attribute a bad motive to (sb) mistakenly 不公正地判断(某人); 冤枉(某人)
You wrong me if you think I only did it for selfish reasons. 你要是以为我是出於私心, 那你就冤枉我了.





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