judicial writ 法院令状...writ of subpoena 传审令,传票...writ of mesne 中间令...writ of habeas corpus 人身保护状...habeas corpus writ 人身保护令状...writ for arrest 逮捕令...writ of debt 确认或清偿债务的令状...writ of possession 据有命令...writ of replevin 请求返还非法侵占的动产令...writ of mandamus 职务执行令...writ of sequestration 查封命令...writ of prohibition 禁止令...writ of deceit 认定欺诈的令状...writ of summons 传讯命令...writ de lunatico inquirendo 精神病检查令...writ of assize 土地所有权收回令...writ of dower 寡妇请求取得亡夫遗产令状...writ of mainprize 保释候审令...writ of formedon 追索财产令状...writ of trial 审理案件令,审判令...writ n.令状,文书,文件,书面命令...