


prep. 和...在一起, 以, 由于
cooperate with sb


with prep 1 (a) in the company or presence of (sb/sth) 和(某人[某事物])在一起
live with one´s parents 与父母住在一起
go on holiday with a friend 和朋友一起去度假
spend time with the children 跟孩子在一起度时光
discuss the plans with an expert 同专家研究计画
I´ve got a client with me at the moment. 我现在有个委托人.
Put the dolls away with your other toys. 把这些玩具娃娃和你的其他玩具放在一起.
If you mix blue with yellow you get green. 把蓝色和黄色混合在一起就成了绿色.
Can I wear this tie with my blue shirt? 我穿蓝衬衫能系这条领带吗?
The money is on the table with the shopping-list. 钱在桌子上跟购物单在一起呢. (b) in the care, charge or possession of (sb) 由(某人)照看、 管理或持有
I leave the baby with my mother every day. 我每天都把婴儿交给我母亲照料.
I left a message for you with your secretary. 我给你留了个信儿交给你秘书了.
The keys are with reception. 钥匙都在接待处呢. 2 having or carrying (sth) 有或带著(某物)
a girl with (ie who has) red hair 红头发的女孩儿
the man with the scar 带伤疤的男子
a person with a knowledge of European markets 熟悉欧洲市场的人
a coat with a belt 有腰带的大衣
a house with a swimming-pool 带游泳池的房子
the man with a wooden leg 有一条木腿的男子
the boy with a camera 带著照相机的男孩儿
He looked at her with a hurt expression. 他带著受伤害的神情看著她. 3 (a) (indicating the tool or instrument used 用以表示使用的工具或器具)
cut it with a knife 用刀把它切开
You can see it with a microscope.用显微镜就能看见.
He hit it with a hammer. 他用锤子砸.
feed the baby with a spoon 用勺喂小孩儿
sew with cotton thread 用棉线缝
hold the door open with a stone 用石头顶著门让它开著
I can only move it with your help. 只有靠你帮忙我才能移动它.
It was easy to translate with a dictionary. 借助词典进行翻译就很容易. (b) (indicating the material or item used 用以表示使用的材料或物件)
fill the bowl with water 把这个盆装满水
sprinkle the dish with salt 在这盘菜上撒点盐
The lorry was loaded with timber. 这辆卡车上装的是木材.
The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. 这个袋子里塞满了脏衣服. 4 (a) agreeing with or supporting (sb/sth) 与(某人[某事物])一致; 支持(某人[某事物])
We´ve got all the nurses with us in our fight to stop closures. 我们竭力反对停业, 获得全体护士的支持.
She´s going along with management on this issue. 她在这个问题上同意资方的意见.
I´m with you all the way! 我始终和你的意见一致! (b) in opposition to (sth); against (sth) 与(某事物)对立; 反对(某事物)
fight, argue, quarrel, etc with sb 与某人打斗、 争论、 吵架等
I had a row with Jane. 我跟简吵了一架.
in competition with our rivals 同我们的对手竞争
play tennis with sb 同某人打网球
at war with a neighbouring country 同邻国交战. 5 because of (sth); on account of (sth) 因为或由於(某事物)
blush with embarrassment 因难为情而脸红
tremble with fear 吓得发抖
shaking with laughter 笑得浑身直颤
Her fingers were numb with cold. 她手指冻木了. 6 (indicating the manner, circumstances or condition in which sth is done or takes place 用以表示方式、 情况、 环境或条件)
I´ll do it with pleasure. 我很高兴做这件事.
I can lift 50 kilos with an effort. 我用力能举起50公斤的重量.
She performed a somersault with ease, ie easily. 她一下子就翻了一个跟头.
He acted with discretion, ie discreetly. 他做得很谨慎.
She sleeps with the light on. 她爱开著灯睡觉.
He welcomed her with open arms. 他热情地欢迎她.
Don´t stand with your hands in your pockets. 站著的时候不要把手插在口袋里.
With your permission, sir, I´d like to speak. 先生, 若您允许, 我想发言. 7 in the same direction as (sth) 与(某物)方向一致
sail with the wind 顺风驶船
swim with the tide 顺著潮流游泳
drift with the current 顺水飘浮
The shadow moves with the sun. 这个影子跟著太阳移动. 8 because of and at the same rate as (sth) 随著(某事物)
The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. 随著太阳下落, 影子也逐渐伸长.
Skill comes with experience. 经验越多, 技巧越熟练.
Good wine will improve with age. 佳酿越陈越醇. 9 in regard to, towards or concerning(sb/sth) 对於或关於(某人[某事物])
careful with the glasses 当心这些玻璃杯
patient with your aunt 对你姑姑耐心些
angry with my children 生我孩子的气
pleased with the result 对结果满意
inconsistent with an earlier statement 与前述不一致
a problem with accommodation 关於住宿的问题
What can he want with me? 他能要我做什麽呢?
What can one do with half a chess set? 只有半副棋有什麽办法呢? 10 in the case of (sb/sth); as regards (sb/sth) 对(某人[某事物])来说; 至於(某人[某事物])
With Italians it´s pronunciation that´s the problem. 对意大利人来说, 发音是个问题.
It´s a very busy time with us at the moment. 我们现在非常忙. 11 and also (sth); including (sth) 连...带...; 包括(某事物)
The meal with wine came to 12 each. 那顿饭连酒每人12英镑.
With preparation and marking a teacher works 12 hours a day. 一个教师连备课带改作业每天工作12小时.
The week cost us over 500 but that was with skiing lessons. 那个星期我们花了500多英镑, 但其中包括滑雪课的学费. 12 (as) an employee or client of (an organization) (作为)(一组织)的雇员或委托人
I hear he´s with ICI now. 我听说他现在在帝国化学工业公司工作.
She acted with a repertory company for three years. 她在一个轮演剧目剧团里演出三年.
We´re with the same bank. 我们是同一个银行的客户. 13 (indicating separation from sth/sb 用以表示与某事物[某人]分离)
I could never part with this ring. 我永远戴著这个戒指.
Can we dispense with the formalities? 咱们能免去这些礼节吗? 14 considering (one fact in relation to another) 考虑到(一事与另一事的关系)
With only two days to go we can´t afford to relax. 只有两天时间了, 我们可不能松懈.
With no hope of a holiday life´s very depressing. 度假无望, 日子自然过得很沉闷.
She won´t be able to help us, with all her family commitments. 她帮不了我们, 她家里的事还多著呢.15 in spite of (sth); despite 尽管; 虽然
With all her faults he still liked her. 尽管她有那麽多缺点, 可他还是喜欢她. 16 (idm 习语) be with sb (infml 口) be able to follow what sb is saying 能明白某人说的话
I´m afraid I´m not quite with you. 很抱歉, 我不太懂您的意思. `with it (dated sl 旧, 俚) (a) knowledgeable about current fashions and ideas; alert 了解时代潮流和意识; 敏感的
Come on get with it! 好啦--时髦点儿吧!
He´s not very with it today. 他今天有点迟钝. (b) (of clothes and their wearers) fashionable (指衣物和穿著者)时髦的
She´s more with it now than she was 20 years ago. 她比20年前时髦了. with `that immediately after that 紧接著; 随即
He muttered a few words of apology and with that he left. 他支支吾吾地道个歉就马上走了.





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