


a. 明智的, 慎虑的, 聪明的, 博学的, 狡猾的, 机灵的
vi. 知道
vt. 教导, 告诉, 劝导
n. 方法, 方式
【计】 教育信息系统
put sb wise
in any wise
in like wise
in no wise
in this wise


wise adj (-r, -st) 1 (a) having or showing good judgement 有判断力的; 聪明的
a wise choice, decision, precaution, friend 高明的选择、 决定、 预防方法、 朋友
It was not very wise of you to sell the property. 你把物业卖了可不是办法.
I´m sure you´re wise to wait a few days. 我知道你很聪明一定等候几天.
a wise nod of the head, ie suggesting that one is wise 聪明地点点头. (b) having knowledge 有知识的
a wise old man 博学多识的老先生. 2 (idm 习语) be ,wise after the e`vent be able to explain sth after it has happened but without having foreseen it 事後聪明
We don´t pay our financial analysts to be wise after the event! 我们花钱请财务分析家不是让他们当事後诸葛亮! be/get wise to sth/sb (infml 口 esp US) be/become aware of sth or of sb´s qualities or behaviour 了解某事物或某人的品行
He thought he could fool me but I got wise to him. 他以为他能骗得了我, 其实我知道他是怎麽回事. no/none the/not any the `wiser knowing no more than before 还是不知道; 并不比以前明白
Even after listening to his explanation I´m none the wiser. 我即便听了他的解释, 仍然不明白. penny wise pound foolish => penny. put sb `wise (to sth) (infml 口 esp US) inform sb about sth 把某事告诉某人. sadder but wiser => sad. (as) ,wise as an `owl very wise 非常聪明. a word to the wise => word. wise, v (phr v) wise (sb) up (to sth) (infml 口 esp US) (cause sb to) become aware or informed of sth (使某人)明白或知道某事物
It´s about time he wised up to the fact that people think his behaviour is ridiculous. 他早就该明白大家都认为他很荒唐.





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