white-hot white-hot怎么读,什么意思。a.白热的,极热的,白热化的... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 1040 a. 白热的, 极热的, 白热化的在线英汉词典white-hot的短语、例句:white-hot adj at white heat; extremely hot 白热的; 炽热的.
white n.白色,洁白,眼白,白种人,...off-white n.黄白色,米白a.黄白色的...juggle black and white 混淆黑白混淆黑白...indigo white 靛白...Brodel's white line 布勒德耳氏白线(肾前面凸缘上的...a white elephant 沉重的负担,无用的累赘东西...days marked with a white stone 幸福的日子...a white crow 罕见的东西...a white night 白夜,失眠的夜晚...ivory-white n.乳白色a.乳白色的...white soft paraffin 白凡士林,白软石蜡...carbon-white 白炭黑(为SiO-2,白色补强...white slave 被卖为娼的妇女,被迫为奴隶的白...pattinson's white lead 帕廷森铅白...black and white advertising 黑白广告...white fingers 苍白指...zinc white 氧化锌锌白锌白,氧化锌...white-hall 白厅,英国政府,英国的政策...a white lie 无恶意的谎话...white copper(a copper-nickel alloy) 白铜...white-collar a.白领阶层的...